Make this Sausage and Egg Breakfast Casserole recipe to feed a crowd. It's loaded with sausage, egg, and cheese for a hearty breakfast. This prepare this...
This recipe will make two pizzas. I came up with it by accident by throwing a bunch of ingredients together. We make it on the weekends at the lake for...
My wife and I love eating Mexican so I came up with this recipe so that we could have a little more variety in our morning meals. We are busy people and...
A recipe inspired from a local brunch restaurant. The BoursinĀ® cheese gives the omelet an incredible creaminess. A great brunch/breakfast dish. I prefer...
This is so easy to prepare and everyone raves about it. The best part is that you can put it together the night before and just pop it in the oven the...
These crustless cottage cheese quiches are simple to make and vegetables can be interchanged with what you have. If you want a knock off of the pricey...
My step-brother fixes this dish every weekend for his three boys and they all love it. A great breakfast dish that will keep them talking about it all...
I'm on a diet where I have to eat over twice as much protein as carbohydrates. This was hard for a rice and biscuits lover such as myself. After days of...
Being Canadian, the only time we were able to enjoy this dish was when we traveled to Cali. When searching for a recipe (including this site) I unfortunately...
These low-calorie, low-fat egg bites make a quick weekday breakfast and they're equally as convenient for midday snacks. In order not to waste egg yolks...
If you're low-carbing it, try my spinach omelet with tomato and feta filling. If you thaw the spinach and squeeze it dry the night before, this omelet...
I had these clever breakfast treats at a brunch gathering. They are easy to make for just two people or for a crowd. You can double or triple this recipe...
At my age I feel like I've seen and done it all, so you can only imagine my shock at finding a new way to do eggs. I would never have thought to pair yogurt...
This is one of my favorite recipes to make in the summer when the vegetable garden is offering plenty of fresh vegetables. You might want to use less kale...
I have had this breakfast casserole with sausage every Christmas for as long as I remember. It has been in our family cookbook for years and years. It's...
Pesto, goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes come all together in this quiche that I created myself. This is a perfect combination of flavors that will make...
If you enjoy huevos rancheros, you will love this. The way the spicy sauce mingles with just barely set eggs is very similar, and when you start scooping...
I certainly cannot take credit for this recipe but it is a Christmas classic. There are lots of little things to personalize this recipe. I have suggested...
Mmm mmm good! This is a must do for every holiday in my household, or just when you have guests overnight! Can be made with egg substitute, skim milk and...
A very easy idea with a minimum of fuss or muss for any number of people. Individual Baked Eggs surrounded by a strip of bacon, and topped with a square...