My husband has a hearty appetite, our two kids never tire of pizza and I grow lots of zucchini, so this tasty tomato casserole is absolutely tops with...
This fragrant, spicy chickpea stew can be served over couscous or with warm pita bread. Try topping this Moroccan dish with a dollop of yogurt or sour...
This traditional, thick pasta sauce is a cinch to prepare. It has a pleasantly mild flavor and goes with any kind of cooked pasta. If you like, use ground...
Raspberry Chicken is probably my most-requested main dish at potlucks. I don't mind making it often. It's quick to fix...and always gets "cleaned up"!...
Canned soup, white wine, Swiss cheese and crushed croutons dress up the chicken breasts in this elegant entree. Ideal for unexpected guests, it requires...
The third of July is almost as important as July Fourth in my family. We make these stuffed clams on the third every year, and it's an event in and of...
My husband and three children love this tender, sweet and spicy chicken. Peach preserves add just a touch of sweetness, while taco seasoning and salsa...
For decades, the restaurant Lutèce-with chef André Soltner behind the stove-was the pinnacle of French cuisine in New York City. Soltner's Alsace onion...
Shrimp and crab plus a flavorful sauce add up to outstanding enchiladas. I made them for an annual fundraiser, and now they're always in demand. Spice...
I'm a die-hard rib fan. When we were growing up, our mom made these for us all the time, and we still can't get enough of them. -Stephanie Loaiza, Layton,...
A dear friend first brought over this stuffed shells recipe. Now I take it to other friends' homes and to potlucks, because it's always a big hit! -Beverly...
These carne asada tacos come together easily as a hearty dinner or lunch for 4. The orange juice and lemon juice fill the marinade with flavor. Reserve...
"I just recently tried this simple-to-fix meal-in-one, and it was an instant hit here at our house," states Jo Groth of Plainfield, Iowa. "Fish and rice...
Quick-cooking turkey breast slices make this recipe a winner when you only have a few minutes to fix a satisfying meal. I've also used flattened boneless...
On lazy summer weekends, we like chicken and yellow squash tossed with bow tie pasta. Add extra fresh grated Parmesan for a Sunday touch. -Sarah Smiley,...
Here's an easy way to work an elegant fish dish into your menu. I sometimes sprinkle the golden fillets with slivered or sliced almonds before baking....
I created this recipe when I had leftover ham to use up. You'll find it's the perfect little casserole for any night of the week! -Laura Burgess, Mount...
My husband enjoys my version of this dish so much that he doesn't order it at restaurants anymore. With fresh spinach, pasta and seasoned sausage, this...
What could be tastier on a cold winter day than chili or mac and cheese? Put them together and you have a terrific dish that warms you up and fills you...
I've made many variations of this excellent main dish. The bratwurst can be plain, smoked or cheese-flavored, served whole or cut in slices, with a bun...
Cooking meats, I have to confess, isn't my specialty. But everyone who tastes this main-course dish wants more! I'm a mostly at-home mom. I like to sew...
This classic casserole is a rich and cheesy meatless main dish. I've never met anyone who didn't ask for a second helping. -Bernice Glascoe, Roxboro, North...
A co-worker's mom used to make this dish for him and it was his favorite. So I made him my own version. Instead of sausage you can use ham hocks, or substitute...
Meet the Cook: When I prepare this dish for my husband and me (we're retired with two children, both grown, and two grandchildren), I always serve rolls...
"I never liked salmon until my husband, Jim, created this healthy, delicious entrée," confesses Pat Ockerman. "Now, all we have to do is mention to friends...
This recipe is such a hit it's "traveled" all over the country! My mother originated the recipe in Pennsylvania...I brought it to Texas when I married...I'm...
I'm a stay-at-home mom, and the slow cooker helps me create dishes like this pork with a curry and cumin rub. I add a splash of coconut milk. -Beverly...
BESIDES being a great cook, my mom could put a meal together in no time at all. A creative cook, she didn't always measure everything, which made it look...
I come from a huge family, and it seems there is always a potluck occasion. No matter what time of year, this hearty, crowd-pleasing Italian casserole...