We moved to Southern California many years ago from Minnesota. We especially like the Mexican food that's served here. These enchiladas have become a family...
Welcome friends in from the cold with a comforting dish that all ages will love. A layer of corn bread makes this meal-in-one both filling and delicious!...
No one will doubt that "light" cooking can be tasty when you put a helping of this zippy shrimp in front of them. The seafood is seasoned just right with...
With plenty of tender chicken and broccoli, this cheese-topped dish is a real family-pleaser. In fact, my clan would eat it any day of the week.-Rachel...
Some years ago I found this recipe and streamlined it to fit our family. The broccoli adds a lot to the rich flavor. Phyllo is fun to work with, and its...
Here's what you need: medium red onion, olive oil, water, medium red onion, garlic, olive oil, green lentil, long grain rice, salt, cumin, cinnamon, bay...
When my mom made this spaghetti sauce, the house would smell so good that I'd open the windows to torture the neighbors. It even tastes wonderful the next...
My husband and I first tasted this recipe when we were dinner guests at the home of some friends. We liked it so much that I took the recipe home-and it's...
"This family favorite is especially fun to make when the garden is full of fresh vegetables," reports Jun Barrus from Springville, Utah. "It's quick to...
Meet the Cook: We used to raise our own hogs. This recipe was given me by a fellow farmer who also had pork on the dinner table a couple of times a week....
Everyone needs an easy meal. Try this sheet-pan chicken with roasted potatoes for a simple and tasty meal guaranteed to please the whole family. If you...
Garlic Herb Butter Roast Chicken packed with unbelievable flavours, crispy skin, and so juicy! Nothing beats an easy to make and even easier to prepare...
These tender pressure-cooker short ribs explode with flavor, and they're a quick and easy alternative to traditionally braised short ribs. Serve with egg...
This meat lasagna recipe is one of my mom's specialties. It's a hearty main dish that gets requested time and time again. The from-scratch sauce makes...
This bourbon-glazed salmon is ready in minutes and requires only a handful of ingredients. Pair it with a green salad and couscous to have the perfect...
This is the best roast beef recipe ever, and it's great for family dinners! Cube leftover meat and save any extra sauce; they'll add new flavor to basic...
I'd wanted to make beef Burgundy ever since I got one of Julia Child's cookbooks, but I wanted to find a way to fix it in a slow cooker. My version of...
"I love garlic, and this golden-brown chicken with its fragrant spices and citrus tang is an excellent way to showcase its popular flavor," writes Dorothy...
My husband and I like well-seasoned foods, so this pressure cooker roast is terrific. You'll also love how flavorful and tender this comforting recipe...
This tasty pizza is so easy to prepare. My family, including my young daughter, loves it. What an easy way to make a delicious, veggie-filled meal! -Dawn...
"I received the recipe for this hearty ground beef and cabbage casserole from a teacher at the preschool where I work," notes Judy Thorn of Mars, Pennsylvania....
I adapted this rich treat from a friend's seafood enchilada dish. The thick creamy cheese sauce is an ideal match for the scallops, shrimp and imitation...
My husband and I love Thai food, but going out on weeknights can be challenging with busy schedules. I wanted to create a Thai-inspired dinner that could...
Some years ago, our daughter welcomed me home from a hospital stay with this Asian dish and a copy of the recipe. Now I freeze leftovers for fast future...
I love making this slow cooker pork roast with apples for chilly fall dinners with my family. The apple pork loin tastes even better served with homemade...
This versatile side dish is a variation of a recipe I've had for years. Instead of broccoli, you can use green beans, carrots or your family's favorite...
Cauliflower replaces the potatoes in this comforting casserole, which I've been making for 30 years. Whenever we have leftover ham, my husband asks me...
I love to barbecue but don't always want a heavy dinner. These are perfect in the spring, and you'll have room for dessert! -Holly Battiste, Barrington,...
My husband often ordered pineapple fried rice at Thai restaurants, so I surprised him by tweaking some similar recipes to come up with a version that's...
I just love this chicken stir-fry recipe, and the aroma is out of this world! The dish is slightly sweet and very peppery, so you may want to serve it...
Sweet, sticky, charred, and crispy: Barbecued chicken is one of the surest signs of summer. Store-bought sauce has nothing on this easy homemade version,...
A crispy coating mix is the secret ingredient that dresses up these baked hamburgers. You bake them in the oven instead of grilling or frying. I like to...