In the Burgundy region of France, home of Dijon, pork chops are traditionally served in a sauce made with mustard, cream and white wine, and there are...
Bread crumbs, crisped in olive oil with garlic, make a flavorful addition to just about any pasta. Make your own bread crumbs if you've got bread that's...
The robust flavors in the tomato sauce work well with a variety of white fishes. If you have traveled in the Greek Islands, chances are you have had this...
The kind of fennel we see in supermarkets (which, almost needless to say, is cultivated, not wild) is wonderful when cooked to full tenderness, so I thought...
Saltimbocca's name means to "jump in the mouth" with flavor. It is a restaurant dish, but at home on a weeknight, a chicken breast version makes a very...
When one of my daughters, Emma, was young, there was a time when her main passion in life was potatoes, especially crispy ones. For one special occasion,...
Mussels are cheap, delicious and relatively fun to eat: saline, mild and plump little bites. They are also extremely easy to cook, especially if they've...
You may not think of paella as a weeknight dish, but this half-hour recipe might change your mind. The trick is to start it on the stove and finish it...
Pasta is a perfect vehicle for showing off late summer vegetables. Pasta dishes also are great way to get more vegetables, as they're often concentrated...
A fish piccata of sorts, this dish is easy to make and the lemon-caper sauce marries well with delicate varieties like sole, fluke or flounder, as well...
To play up the licorice flavor, I add a pinch of fennel seed and a drizzle of Pernod. The vegetables serve as a bed for seared chicken thighs, ideal for...
This recipe is an adaptation of one created by Tamasin Day-Lewis, the Stevie Nicks of British cookery. A casserole recipe that she credits to the British...
Julie Sahni, an Indian cooking teacher, cookbook author and chef, says that in much of Indian cooking, the less you fuss with beans, the better they cook....
This recipe is an adaptation of one found in Jamie Oliver's book, "Jamie's Italy." It's a healthier version than the traditional Italian-American juggernaut;...
The Middle Eastern way with ground lamb, or beef, for that matter, is in combination with cracked bulgur wheat and onion. There are hundreds of ways to...
In Morocco, chermoula is traditionally used as a marinade for grilled fish. You've used the Moroccan herb and spice blend, chermoula in all sorts of dishes,...
Here is a streamlined, powerfully flavorful recipe for a delivery-food standby: velvety wok-fried beef in a oyster-soy sauce, served in a forest of green....
The classic Chinese way to clean shrimp and ensure a succulent flavor and crisp texture, says Grace Young, author of "Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge," is...
This dish is loosely based on Thailand's ubiquitous fried rice dish, kao pad. Usually some kind of animal protein accompanies the rice - squid, crabmeat,...
I first encountered jook, also known as congee, in Hong Kong at dawn after a very long night. I was steered to an anonymous little place, where, I am quite...
I had a beautiful bunch of leeks from the farmers' market and a Mediterranean crust left over in my freezer from my week of savory pies, so I decided to...
This dish is hearty and robust, with a savory backbone from the anchovies, sage and pecorino, as well as a bite from the red chile flakes. (A note to anchovy...
This mashup of Julia Child recipes, combining elements of her quiche Lorraine and quiche au fromage, then pouring them into a lard-and-butter based pie...
This Mark Bittman recipe from 1999 is big on flavor, but not too much effort. The hardest part is preparing the grill. It calls for just a few spices -...
Tossing marinated tofu squares in cornstarch before roasting makes them wonderfully crunchy and brown. Here, the tofu is cooked alongside spears of sweet...
This wildly flavorful chicken dish is inspired by the bright flavors found in Thai cooking - garlic, galangal (or ginger), chiles, turmeric, cilantro and...