You will not find a better sugar cookie anywhere you search, this will most likely be the only sugar cookie you will use, not only are these cookies buttery...
Go ahead and indulge in these perfectly rich and dreamy chocolate lava cakes! Bittersweet chocolate and espresso powder create a luscious and balanced...
Shred, dump and stir: This go-to zucchini bread is super simple. For an easy spin, stir in 1/2 cup of your favorite chopped nuts or a little grated orange...
When life calls for cake pops, let this be your go-to recipe. Feel free to change the cake and frosting flavors to whatever is your favorite. Just follow...
A triple dose of cream cheese (mixed into the batter, in chunks in the dough and as a glaze on top) makes these pillowy cookies extra tangy. Freezing the...
This recipe is for the peanut butter-obsessed. The cake itself is substantial but also tender. Be sure you don't skip the last 2 minutes of beating incorporating...
These are one of the best cookies I have ever eaten. They make up easily, and they disappear fast. I make these every year when we put up our Christmas...
I landed my first job in a bakery when I was sixteen. I would come in after school and make huge batches of scone mix to help the morning baker. After...
This is my FAVORITE recipe for Sour Cream Coffee Cake! My main complaint with Coffee Cake is that there is usually too much cake, not enough streusel....
I love the the texture and flavor this technique produces in making blueberry filling. If you are tired of the overly processed and overly cornstarched...
Crushed chocolate cookies are the "dirt" in this no-bake dessert, while gummy worms on top add even more squeal-appeal. For the pudding layers, we folded...
These soft and crackly cookies are a staple in Italian bakeries. The espresso powder is there to complement and elevate the chocolate--it's subtle but...
The secret to getting the fruit sweet and caramelized in this glistening jewel-like cake is letting it bake and bubble in the cake pan before adding the...
Of course you'll want to make this dish if you're celebrating National Vanilla Pudding Day on May 22,this year. But you'll love this creamy, soothing pudding...