The black and white cookie is a bakery classic, especially in New York. This recipe delivers a big soft and cakey cookie loaded with vanilla, and topped...
Super good desert. I've loved this desert since I worked at a fancy restaurant as a waitress putting these together. I've been trying to get the recipe...
We borrowed the filling from a favorite holiday pie and baked it on top of a spiced cupcake for these rustic, all-American bites. The tops spread a bit,...
My dad started making this fruitcake about 30 years ago. Everyone who hates fruitcake likes this, and everyone who likes fruitcake LOVES this. Many people...
This is a MUST if you have never tried a homemade Angel Food Cake. I never liked Angel Food Cakes until the neighbor lady invited me over for coffee shortly...
ISO: Chocolate Glaze that dries hard using cocoa and without... Saw this and found the answer. This would be good now with Valentine's Day is near. Try...
My Grandmother always had these on hand whenever we would come to visit. We always gobbled them up. I never truly appreciated them tho, until I finally...
I searched for 20 years to find the definitive ginger cake recipe - this is it! So easy to make and full of flavour it keeps well and can be frozen - iced...
Summer Time is Zwetschgenkuchen time for me. This traditional German Plum Cake will be made with Damson Plums on a yeast dough. After your first mouthful...
It only seems fitting to make a pie for Pi Day, right? Celebrate with a mixed berry treat that's decorated with the Pi symbol. It's nicely tart but still...
Whomever you serve this to will think you SLAVED but this is so easy and delicious!! This is an incredibly moist, intensely chocolate cake, perfect for...
This recipe has been in our family forever. It can be made in many different variations. Cottage cheese instead of or in addition to cream cheese. Crushed...
When red velvet is the requested cake, don't worry about creating a complicated batter. Just pick up Betty Crockerâ„¢ cake mix, red food color and a few...
So so so good! So so so little work. Well, yeah, come on, you DO have to measure the ingredients. And a simple glaze would be good. But if you are really,...
From Woman's Day mag 10/7/03. Tightly wrapped dough for each variation can be refrigerated up to 5 days or frozen up to 3 months. Thaw frozen dough in...
This cake features a delicate minty buttercream slathered between four moist layers of dark chocolate cake. It's then covered in chocolate buttercream...
Easy Pear Apple Crisp is the ultimate fall dessert! Simple, delicious and bursting with fresh fruit, this is one family recipe you will want to make again...
Whether you serve it as a side dish or a light dessert, our Orange Fluff Jello salad is creamy and delicious. Made with a package of orange jello, pudding,...