Diane wanted the taste of carmel apples so she added the glaze to a recipe that she had made before. This is a great tasting, moist cake. Serve with a...
Bring the carnival home with this classic fair dessert. Fried dough is crisp and golden brown on the outside and soft and cakey on the inside. Covered...
This recipe has been handed down in our family since World War II and it remains a favorite with the grandkids today. Do not substitute anything for the...
These are a Greek celebration cookie - while they're most popular at Christmas, you also see them at weddings, Easter and other holidays as well. They're...
There is a special little bakery in New York City called Levain Bakery that makes seriously decadent and massively huge cookies, which are the inspiration...
Can't decide between baking a big pan of chocolate-packed brownies or a batch of soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies with a perfectly crispy crunch?...
What to do when you really want a recipe and a restaurant won't hand it over? At Food Network Kitchens, we try and try again until we figure it out. The...
It's the luckiest happy hour dessert you'll ever make. With a crunchy chocolate cookie crust and a minty mousse filling, this is a treat any mint-chocolate...
This is my favourite apple dessert. This recipe came from my mother and we had this many times growing up. Use enough apples to generously cover the bottom...
Small changes can make a big difference. We took our basic chocolate chip cookie and made one isolated change at a time. We added, swapped, melted, baked...
This was my favorite dessert that my grandmother used to make and my family loves it too. We always serve it cold and as it has a long oven time we usually...
This recipe has overturned a lifetime's prejudice - which is good, but unsettling. I had always been a committed believer that the only true cheesecake...
There's no feeling quite as blissful as your first bite of one of these cookies. Whether you call them Russian tea cakes, Mexican wedding cookies or snowballs,...
We've come up with a delicious mashup of two nostalgic favorites that will be sure to garner plenty of oohs and ahhs once it's tipped out of the pan. In...
It's no secret that the best part of a crumb cake is, well, the crumb! Unlike other versions, this sheet pan dessert is half cake and half crumb topping,...
You'll be proud to make and serve a cake that's as much fun as this one. Rainbow layer cake is surprisingly easy to create, thanks to a little help from...
I learned a million and one things while working at Payard Patisserie in New York City. It was a classic French kitchen filled with classically trained...
So simple, yet SO delicious. Doesn't require many ingredients or much time, perfect for a last minute way to use up that ripe pineapple that will turn...
This is my grandmother's recipe, but since I didn't have a chance to know her I think of them as my mom's cookies. She uses 5 pounds of flour in her batch...
I saw Paula make this on the Food Network and I had to save this recipe for when peach season comes around. Serve with your choice of whipped cream or...
Italian-style or Arborio rice is the best to use for this recipe, it will produce the creamiest texture. This is best if eaten warm! Prep time does not...
I found this recipe from allrecipes.com and tried it and it was amazing. The cake is really moist and fluffy. So i wanted to keep it and share it as well...
No need to thaw your frozen blueberries when making this pie. The sweet, thick filling comes together in just a few minutes. The flaky double crust is...
Cranberries in various forms are included from start to finish in this vibrant dessert: from dehydrated cranberries in the crust, to fresh cranberries...