Learn how to make fruit compote with this easy recipe! You can make compote with fresh or frozen fruit. It's delicious on ice cream, yogurt, toast, pancakes,...
I have seen many fudge cake recipes, but I believe this one takes the cake *heh* because of the sour cream & brown sugar. It is rich and if you love cake...
This is one of my favorite cakes, it is so moist. The great thing is you can use any kind of cake mix and any knid of pudding to change this one around....
Celebrate juicy, in-season strawberries by using them as a filling for pie. Geoffrey keeps it simple by using store-bough pie crust and filling it with...
This peach cobbler doesn't get any easier, and you only need one dish. Instead of cake mix, we used corn muffin mix for a savory, buttery flavor that takes...
I have the pleasure of reading and translating my gran's recipes - written in German some of them are difficult to translate - and then to take them from...
Combine two favorite desserts in these super fudgy hybrid bars. A wooden skewer makes the marbled effect easy, but you could also use a toothpick or the...
This makes a delicious brownie for one in about a minute. 60 seconds makes a molten center brownie. 75 seconds make a uniformly done brownie. Be careful...
Everyone seems to have an opinion on carrot cake, especially in our test kitchen. In our (lengthy) discussions, we debated the merits of adding common...