Enjoy a hearty, Southern classic meal tonight with this easy chicken and dumplings recipe. This classic dish gets its smooth, creaminess from cream of...
This chicken divan recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food casserole. Ingredients include broccoli, cream of mushroom soup and cheddar cheese....
Just like grandma used to make! Thin strips of round steak, onions & mushrooms over a bowl of egg noodles make this the creamy dish the perfect comfort...
This simple, made from scratch, butter biscuit recipe from Paula Deen is a Southern favorite for breakfast. Ingredients include all-purpose flour, cubed...
No one can resist this classic banana bread recipe! It's the perfect homemade hostess gift. Plus, try using it next time you make French toast for a real...
Classic southern homestyle chicken pot pie is the ultimate comfort food and is budget-friendly, perfect for leftover chicken. Make the crust and then the...
One of Paula Deen's most popular recipes. Not Yo Mama's Banana pudding recipe calls for bananas, french vanilla instant pudding, sweetened condensed milk,...
Cheese grits are a Southern tradition. Paula shares an easy cheesy grits recipe that's perfect for any meal. Cheddar, and milk make this a creamy treat...
This classic goulash recipe from Paula Deen's son Bobby is a great dish on cold winter weather nights. Ingredients include lean ground beef, elbow macaroni...
Turn your packaged corn muffin mix into a savory cornbread tonight. Just add in a sweet Vidalia onion, sharp cheddar, sour cream and dill. You'll never...
For a taste of traditional Southern, down-home cooking, try this chicken fried steak recipe. Each cubed steak is dredged in flour before pan frying. Serve...
Turn boxed cake mix into a delicious coconut cake with this easy recipe. Make the frosting when you're ready to serve dessert. After frosting the cake,...
Georgia-style brunswick stew is made with chicken, onion, crushed tomatoes and creamed corn. Liquid smoke and Paula Deen Hot Sauce give this easy stew...
This kid-friendly air-fryer apple hand pie dessert recipe from Paula Deen is the perfect fall comfort food . Ingredients include apples, cinnamon, sugar...
Turn chocolate cake mix into delicious, soft cookies that kids of all ages will love. These divine chocolate gooey butter cookies also call for vanilla,...
Cold weather calls for comfort food in the form of chili. Jamie Deen's delicious recipe uses ground beef, italian sausage, several type of beans and more....
Give your baked beans a Southern twist for your next BBQ or family get-together. Baked beans, apples, brown sugar and bacon bring sweet and savory flavors...
Homemade milk gravy over scratch-made biscuits is a classic Southern comfort food. This simple dish calls for bacon grease, buttermilk, butter, vegetable...
On a chilly evening, there's nothing better than a bowl of butter bean and smoked ham soup. To make this soup you'll need frozen butter beans, smoked ham,...
This cheesy chicken and veggie lasagna recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food meal. Ingredients include ricotta cheese, baby spinach, tomato...
This Southern black-eyed peas recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food dish. Ingredients include dried black-eyed peas, bacon and hog jowl. Prep...