This is the ultimate garlic chicken liver recipe. Simple, quick, minimal ingredients, and low in carbs! The lemon, garlic, and liver flavors blend together...
I almost never order a nut-crusted entree in a restaurant, as they often feature a sugary glaze or a too-sweet nut, like pecan or macadamia. That's not...
My husband (who is not a cook) developed this recipe when looking through what we had in the fridge. We love capers and my VERY picky 8-year old always...
Thanks Paula Deen (FoodTV) for the best fried chicken I have ever made! It has a nice, savory flavor and a coating that has just the right amount of crispiness....
Recipe video above. Beautifully golden, truly crunchy baked chicken tenders! The trick is to toast the breadcrumbs before coating the chicken. See recipe...
My fiance is from the D.R. and his mother has made me some amazing food! The first time she made sancocho I fell in love with it. It is often made with...
This chicken always turns out juicy and tender with robust flavor. Are you tired of the same old boring chicken? Try this one! It is so easy to prepare...
The marinade for this chicken is true to the authentic Thai grilled chicken (Gai Yang). Traditional Gai Yang is served with a dipping sauce but I find...
Chicken breast cubes are simmered with onions and mushrooms in a rich peanut butter sauce. This recipe is delicious served over your choice of rice, noodles...
From the blog, these come from the Chef John repertoire. It's published on another site, but I'm moving it here to get the nutrition data....
These chicken wings are surprisingly delicious for how few ingredients are involved! I made them for the first time at a football party, and within 10...
For this all-American classic that's great for lunch or dinner, use a great homemade sauce and pick your method: Slow-cook a whole bird for the juiciest...
I love the flavor of green enchiladas, but sometimes I don't love rolling all the tortillas, lol! Here is a casserole that gives that great, tangy flavor,...
This dish is baked boneless chicken breasts or chicken tenders covered with cream of chicken soup. Chicken, creamy chicken, everywhere! If desired, serve...
Growing up, chicken schnitzel was a classic. I decided to make this dish oven-friendly using less oil, and an easier cleanup. This dish tastes great with...
These flavorful gizzards are always requested at football and holiday parties. I don't know if anyone would show up if I didn't make them. The extra time...
A savory autumn stew with apple, red potatoes, onion and seasoning. This is a very easy tasty chicken dish I concocted when I was trying to think of a...
'Huli Huli Chicken' (turn, turn) was invented by Ernest Morgado when he cooked teriyaki chicken for a group of farmers in 1955. This has been a Hawaiian...
Cajun and Creole homes have been dining on Sauce Piquant for generations. Some like it with Alligator, some with chicken. The main ingredient can even...
I got this recipe from my mother when I moved out of the house, because I wanted to make filipino food that she used to cook for us so that I can cook...
After he perfected his original he made a crispy recipe that was marinated first then fried the conventional way. This one is double dunked into the coating...