This won 1st place in county fair Dairy Main Dish Recipe Contest in 1972. Passed down in the family -- it's the dish I make when I make my first dinner...
This is a wonderful recipe. This was given to our family years ago by a good friend through the Boy Scouts. My brother would eat it all if he was allowed...
Jambalaya, a one-pot New Orleans favorite, always includes meat or seafood and vegetables; this easy rendition is full of chicken, spicy andouille sausage,...
A yummy Cajun dish. Chicken, sausage, onion and celery with a seasoning including cayenne pepper and garlic. And of course, what Cajun dish would be complete...
This great summer recipe was given to me by a friend years ago. You can put any vegetables you want on the skewers. Don't be worried when you see the light...
Ditch the deep fryer for these low-fat crispy chicken tenders that are baked in the oven. Accompanied with the healthy yogurt-based roasted red pepper...
This recipe can be prepared using boned, split chicken breasts without the skin or with the skin still attached. The skin becomes brown and crisp and keeps...
A delicious blend of sauteed chicken and light, but creamy, lemon sauce and pasta, baked til the top is crispy and lightly browned. Asparagus or broccoli...
This recipe was passed to me by a friend whose husband loved Buffalo wings and baked potatoes. I made it for the first time for my crew of boys and it...
In this classic French recipe, the wine in coq au vin mellows into a luxuriously rich, velvety sauce punctuated by smoky bacon. Earthy mushrooms envelope...
Ever crave those restaurant style chicken fingers? Why pay restaurant prices for one serving when you could pay the same price for an entire meal. You'll...
This is a simple and tasty recipe for weekdays or when friends and family come over to visit. It's a creamy chicken comfort food recipe with mushrooms...
Chicken and penne pasta simmer together in a garlicky, creamy broth, and are quickly baked between cheesy layers of Parmesan and mozzarella. Top with fresh...
This recipe is quick and easy and any novice cook can do it. It was made for the little ones who always wanted to order out at Pizza Hut® or Olive Garden®....
Someone gave me this recipe a few years back and it's become a household favorite. You can use mild, medium or hot salsa depending on your taste. I usually...
This ia a simple chicken dish with lots of flavor, use your own favorite pasta sauce for this, Prego Traditional Pasta sauce works well with this --- for...
This was the first Arabic dish I ever made and it turned out extremely delicious, a new favorite! Serve Al Kabsa with a fresh mixed cucumber, carrot, lettuce,...
Among the many stories regarding the origins of this dish, the one we deemed "most likely, and most likely to succeed" came to us in 1944. E. Clarke King...
Our Oh-so-yummy and EZ-to-make croquettes! These are great for OAMC too. The croquettes freeze well, then just pop them in the microwave for a quick meal...