Mom shared this recipe with me after many years of making it for company. I always thought there was more to it that made it such a special occasion dish,...
An easy dish that looks like you've spent all day cooking and has a fabulous taste. Your family or friends will rave about it, and we don't need to tell...
I got this recipe from a friend, who served it to me one chilly night. It is very much a "comfort food" for me and quite easy to make with leftover chicken....
Although this recipe has a long ingredients list, it's a snap to throw together, even when you're zapped by sneezes and sniffles. Best of all, you'll be...
Nothing hits the spot quite like a simple roast chicken with vegetables. Nestled on a bed of fingerling potatoes, carrots, shallots, and fragrant lemons,...
I found this recipe and it sounded so good, but it served 100! I tweaked to serve 4 and use ingredients we like, and the results were great! I've got permission...
Chinese 5-spice powder has a proven track record of awesomeness when combined with smoky, caramelized meats. This grilled five spice chicken recipe is...
This chicken and mushrooms recipe video is an experiment in extreme self-control; I wanted to challenge myself to make a chicken and mushrooms recipe using...
This is an authentic filling used for Mexican dishes such as: enchiladas, tostadas and tacos. You can easily double the recipe, as it freezes well. I always...
Juicy chicken is smothered in a rich mushroom sauce, which gets its depth of flavor from combining beef broth and sweet Madeira wine. Easy enough for a...
A favorite dish, these easy cheesy, breadcrumb-coated chicken cutlets are quickly cooked on the stovetop, then topped with mozzarella and broiled on a...
Cubed chicken breast cooked in the slow cooker with a simple, creamy sauce mixture. This is so good, and so easy to make on a busy day. Serve over hot...
Pan-roasted garlic adds heady savor to a rich and creamy basil-infused tomato sauce. Tender cubes of sauteed chicken and fresh, green spinach go for a...
This is a booyah recipe that is adapted from originally a 50 gallon recipe cooked in large 55 gallon cast-iron kettles with a wood fire, most often at...
These flavorful chicken breasts are grilled to perfection, then topped with a sweet and spicy, colorful pineapple salsa. The dish is mildly spicy, however...
This is a delicious traditional Japanese meal consisting of chicken sauteed and then cooked in a Japanese broth, and then finished with egg and served...
This one-pot recipe for Arroz Con Pollo, which is great for a crowd, comes from Martha's book One Pot: 120+ Easy Meals from Your Skillet, Slow Cooker,...
Here is a recipe to get your creative juices flowing! Chicken breasts marinated in the flavors of the Caribbean isles: Citrus, garlic, herbs and a little...
With flavors reminiscent of Morocco and Mexico, this easy yet richly-flavored stew contains loads of chicken, vegetables, and some surprising spices! If...
Use this recipe to prep enough chicken to use it in wraps and salads all week; you can even cook two at once. To make Asian-Style Chicken Wraps, leave...