Tender beef and sweet shallots in a tangy, aromatic sauce make my version of beef stifado one you'll surely want to try! Be sure to serve it with crusty...
Need a cozy one-pot meal? Try New England boiled dinner with corned or fresh beef brisket, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes. Also great in the slow cooker!...
Beef stew is seasoned with smoked paprika, onions, garlic, and green olives. Made without potatoes, this is a great recipe to serve with simple steamed...
Try this tasty slow cooker beef stew recipe for a wintry midweek meal. Add the dumpling dough to the stew one hour before the end - the ultimate comfort...
This beef casserole recipe is full of flavour and easy to make. There is nothing better than a bowl of nourishing comfort food, and here is one of our...
Here's a taste of Switzerland. This robust beef stew, from the mountainous Grison region, is perfect to keep out winter chills and to satisfy even the...
A homemade beef stew recipe for the stovetop. This traditional stew is good eaten from a bowl or poured over biscuits. Substitute lamb and voila!... Irish...
Beef barley soup is a winter staple, but it takes a while to cook. But if you use a pressure cooker, you can get a deeply flavorful beef barley soup on...
Got this recipe from an anthropologist friend in Arizona, and given the use of canned product, it is said to date to the 1920s to early 30s. Spicy and...
Beef chuck stewed with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and beef broth for a homey favorite. The aroma that permeates throughout the house while the stew...
Beef chuck stewed with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and beef broth for a homey favorite. The aroma that permeates throughout the house while the stew...
A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...
A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...
I love the green chilies in this stew and the rich, flavorful sauce of this stew is wonderful! Serve over rice, or with a crusty bread, and salad for a...
Got this recipe from an anthropologist friend in Arizona, and given the use of canned product, it is said to date to the 1920s to early 30s. Spicy and...
A homemade beef stew recipe for the stovetop. This traditional stew is good eaten from a bowl or poured over biscuits. Substitute lamb and voila!... Irish...
This is my take on the ubiquitous Latino stew, ajiaco. This version uses leftover roast beef, sweet red peppers, and creamy baby potatoes simmered together...
This beef stew soup is a delicious blend of tender beef and vegetables, with just the right amount of thick, flavorful broth to tie everything together....
What's better than braised short ribs? Short rib stew with ale! Extra hearty and flavorful from the beef bones and nutty brown ale, this beef short rib...
This is a hearty beef stew using beer and beef broth as its base. It's very yummy and I've never had any complaints about it. If you use older potatoes...
This is a hearty beef stew using beer and beef broth as its base. It's very yummy and I've never had any complaints about it. If you use older potatoes...
This easy slow cooker beef stew recipe made with potatoes, carrots, celery, broth, herbs, and spices is hearty and comforting. You won't be slow to say...
This is an easy oven stew that can be doubled or tripled with success. It contains beef, potatoes and other mixed vegetables, all cooked in one pan. Also...
A classic, simple beef stew recipe that my grandmother developed and that is now being enjoyed by a fourth generation in my family. Delicious with salad...
Here's a taste of Switzerland. This robust beef stew, from the mountainous Grison region, is perfect to keep out winter chills and to satisfy even the...
A classic, simple beef stew recipe that my grandmother developed and that is now being enjoyed by a fourth generation in my family. Delicious with salad...