I love twice cooked pork in the restaurant and I was looking for a way to recreate it at home. Use the crushed red pepper to make it hot or leave it out...
Bell peppers add a touch of sweetness to this spicy Thai dish. This is my mom's recipe, to which I've added a touch of flair! Use more coconut milk if...
This delicious recipe most closely resembles my favorite Thai restaurant's Ground Chicken Basil. I've searched for recipes, but none gave this authentic...
This recipe doesn't have many ingredients but still tastes delicious. I've also made this with chicken thighs cut into bite-size pieces. Serve with fresh...
Fresh veggies and ham are sauteed with ginger, then folded into beaten eggs and cooked up like little omelets. Use bacon or chicken, or any meat you prefer....
I garden. At the end of the year I had a lot of green tomatoes whose blossom end had not blushed, thus they will never ripen. This is a recipe I created...
This is very simple to make, varying slightly from typical chicken on skewers served with satay sauce. Absolutely fantastic when used to make sandwiches...
My favorite meal in the Philippines is Salpicao. I recently came up with this interpretation of the recipe, which immediately became the family favorite....
These delicious hors d'oeuvres can be served anytime. You may prepare the patties in advance and refrigerate without cooking. Fry them when ready to eat....
If you like stir-fried rice you'll love this recipe, as it is faster and easier. I serve it weekly as a side to grilled fish or chicken. Kids and adults...
This tangy, sweet, and savory recipe is excellent for either a stir fry sauce or a lovely salad dressing. This was thrown together in an effort to use...
This recipe combines the flavors of teriyaki sauce, pineapple, sweet onion, red pepper, cashews and a little garlic with tender chicken and swiss cheese...
I love the bold taste of Vietnamese dishes. This is packed with flavor and spice and is just beautiful in colors. I have tried doing individual bowls but...
While it's true a perfectly made, expertly fried, and quickly served samosa is superior to this version, that can be a very rare combination of events....
Chicken congee is quick and easy to make in the Instant Pot®, cutting down on time but not flavor. Serve this Asian breakfast porridge any time of the...
This delicious chicken recipe is made entirely in one pot: the Instant Pot®. This recipe has been a go-to for the whole family. Serve over rice and garnish...
This is actually a northern Thai dish with a definite Burmese influence. I first ate it in a Burmese restaurant in Melbourne, Australia. I asked for the...
This is basically a common Japanese fast food where beef and caramelized onions are served on top of short-grain rice. Perfect when hot, cold, or room...
Easy seafood, and the skewers make portion control easy - 2 points per skewer, 2 skewers per serving. If you use wooden skewers, soak 'em for 30 minutes...
This simple recipe is delicious. It is out of a BJ's Journal. They recommend tuna steak or salmon fillet. We used halibut and it was great. It paired well...
This delicious stir-fry is similar to yakisoba, but is made with thick, white udon noodles and tossed with a much simpler sauce. Often used in soups, udon...
I got this recipe from another online site. This is what was posted:"A delicious citrus chicken recipe with flavors reminiscent of the orange chicken from...
This North Indian curry made with mutter (peas) and paneer (cottage cheese) is probably the most frequently ordered dish in Indian restaurants. Make it...
This is a blend of aromatic seeds. usually fried in oil or ghee before adding anything else to the pot, flavoring the oil and releasing the aroma of the...
This is a special beef recipe from my country which is really tasty and there is a special technique which softens the beef until the texture is like chicken....
A traditional Chinese dessert analogous to rice pudding. The eight treasures refers to the 8 different nutritious ingredients that go into it. It is traditionally...
This is my twist on one of my childhood favorite in a local restaurant back in Taiwan. For a long time, I've tried to imitate the recipe but never quite...