I've found a wonderful discovery...lemongrass! The herb can be purchased at your local plant nursery so as to easily grow your own supply. The lemony flavor...
An easy vegetarian curry which can be tweaked to suit your personal tastes regarding spice and heat. I used green peppers, but you can experiment with...
A savory authentic Massaman beef curry Thai recipe that is very similar to something you would see in a restaurant. Hearty and multi-layered, this dish...
If you can't find daikon radishes, use a bunch of small red radishes when in season. I love this stir-fry because you can add any veggies you like, including...
This colourful meal combines lentils, quinoa, zucchini, and tomatoes. For a spicier dish, try garnishing with sliced chillies. If you want to cool things...
Another recipe from the In-Laws. This is a wonderful soup that is a common meal for my mother-in-law to make. It is so delicious I just had to have the...
This is the best bulgoki recipe I've come up with--adapted from a few different ones. It is very forgiving and you can adjust sweetness and spiciness as...
These kabobs with Persian rice are so simple to make, yet taste simply amazing with both chicken and beef, especially with traditional mast-o-khiar (yogurt...
These are healthier than the originals as they are baked not fried. Personally, I like them better than fried ones. I serve them with chutney, either homemade...
In Andhra they call this upma 'Bombay rava' upma. It is extremely soft and spongy in texture. When I was a kid, I loved eating this upma as balls rolled...
These are by far the best sandwiches to serve your guests and yourself! The ingredients are fresh, delicious, popular and fills your mouth with marinated...
This delicious recipe is a little twist on the traditional Thai dish, pad king. If you love ginger and a bit of spice then you will love this recipe! Serve...
A very simple recipe for those who are new with using the oven as well as for those who love eggs. A fantastic snack with an even more fantastic name,...
These wings are delicious after being brined and marinated, then baked and broiled. After putting chicken in the bag with the brine, I store in the refrigerator...
This is yummy, and pretty easy to put together, the wrapping wll be a little wrinkly. It not only has a shrimp filling, but a whole shrimp in it as well....
This is a basic, yet interchangeable, meal-in-one! Tender bite-sized pieces of chicken tossed with angel hair pasta in a mouthwatering soy/garlic sauce!...
This has got to be one of my favorite dishes I've made. Inspired by a Thai restaurant in Renton, WA called Sing Tong Thai, I decided to make my own version...
My friend's father, who is from India, showed me how to make this! It's delicious! Serve with hot cooked rice and veggies if desired; make sure that you...
Easy version of chai tea, using whole spices and sweetened condensed milk. To vary the flavor, try adding a bit of star anise, fennel, allspice, vanilla...
I am a hot and sour soup SNOB, for sure! I could eat it every day, but since I live 47 miles from the closest Chinese restaurant, and I'm on a budget as...
The wonderful national noodle dish of Thailand, it is now served in many trendy restaurants. It can be adjusted to your taste, add ingredients that you...
This is stuffed eggplant made in Maharashtrian ( a state in western India) style. I had if first at my in-laws and then got a recipe online which I tweaked...
I whipped up these burgers for a weekend meal after a Saturday morning visit to the farmer's market. A peek in the fridge told me I had baby cukes to use....
This yummy and addicting chicken recipe is great for snacks at a dinner party or just munching on throughout the night. It brings authentic Korean flavors...
Go on, indulge yourself with this exotic combination of rose and saffron. Serve this ice cream for dessert to your guests next time you host a party and...
A simple meal recipe that is different from other pepper steak recipes that I have found. Tastes even better on the second day! I have also poured the...
This is actually a South Indian dish. I did this for the first time, my hubby and I loved it. Warning: The recipe is very spicy. Tastes great with plain,...
Traditionally made with toasted sesame paste, this dish is also great prepared with reduced fat peanut butter. For best results, serve at room temperature...
I'm not sure if this is authentic, but it tastes like the bulgogi at the Korean restaurants I have eaten in. It's great for entertaining (easy to marinate...
My family are all on a health kick at the moment. I saw this on television ( Everyday Gourmet) and thought the family might enjoy this. It looked such...
This is my favorite Pad Thai creation. After I started making it at home, I could never go back. This is a full meal, suitable for vegetarians and meat-eaters...
A great chicken dish with a local Chinese Provincial flair. I learned this recipe while teaching English in mainland China. Serve with rice or noodles...