This is another simple Thai dessert that turns savory ingredients into a sweet treat. It is best to use corn when it is in season because it is at its...
A very, very simple dish to make that is very difficult to stop eating. The spiciness of the peppers, sweetness of the corn, and the creamy cheesiness...
Butternut squash makes for a great taco filling, whether you're eating clean or meat-free. A little garlic and some red pepper flakes make the flavors...
These Mexican-inspired sandwiches are spread with chipotle mayonnaise, filled with seasoned beef and melted cheese, and topped with avocado, cherry tomatoes,...
A light sponge cake soaked with a mixture of three kinds of milk. This is the BEST Tres Leches recipe I have. It is a very good cake recipe and the cake...
This easy recipe is an adaptation of the classic, but is even easier to make. Don't be alarmed by the Guinness® - it's simply used to develop the texture...
A different take on lasagna, these rollups have a filling of grilled chicken breast, sauteed portobello mushrooms, spinach and cheese. They are wonderful...
A friend gave me his personal recipe for teriyaki pork ribs years ago. This is now the only recipe I will use. They are so tender and juicy and just melt...
My vegetarian sweet and sour meatball recipe is the most requested recipe from my kitchen! These are delicious and the perfect size for the main appetizer...
In this recipe, chicken is marinated overnight in a tangy, spicy Mexican sauce, wrapped in parchment paper, steamed until moist and tender, and served...
A true German/Polish dish that is simply 'Delish'! I sometimes use Swiss cheese in place of the Cheddar, which is a good switch as well! This is a casserole...
I have to cook gluten-free for some family members who love Italian food, but cannot tolerate the gluten. I have re-vamped my recipes so they can enjoy...
This recipe has less sugar and fat than most butter mochi recipes. Baking for 90 minutes seems a lot, but it makes the crust nice and crispy. Extra coconut...
My take on the classic French dish. I loved to experiment and didn't follow a recipe. I know the main idea was braising chicken in wine, and you need to...
Inspired from a vacation in Puerto Rico, this recipe is a blending of many mofongo recipes found online. I combined several recipes until I found the right...
Tender chicken morsels in an easy and delicious sauce made with fresh ginger and plum sauce. I use snow peas and mushrooms, but you can add whatever veggies...
Perfect for taco bars! This can be easily adapted to a slow cooker, but the pressure cooker really seals in the flavor and cuts down on cooking time. All...
This recipe uses quinoa which is gluten-free, high in protein and fiber, and has a nice nutty flavor. But you can always substitute for either rice or...
I live in Cambodia, and from January to May the markets are always full of ripe juicy mangoes. The problem is, I've never really found a way to use them...
This is an authentic German cheesecake recipe from my friend Isolde, a dear friend and coworker, gave to me many years ago. Quark is found in Germany and...
Great way to use up the ever-plentiful summertime squash. Very flexible recipe. Definitely a very yummy family favorite. Love to serve it over rice or...
This is a very flavourful and fresh tasting recipe for chicken with fresh herbs. It is a welcome change from heavy spiced chicken curries. This curry tastes...
This dish provides a very tender roast with a German flavor appeal. Great served with mashed potatoes or spaetzle. Parslied carrots and red cabbage will...
This is a traditional Puerto Rican dessert. There are different variations for the brazo de gitano filling. You can substitute strawberry or guava jam...
I created this recipe because my family just loves the dynamite dishes served in sushi restaurants. It's a hit for all ages! This would even be great on...
Just a bit of tomato paste is all it takes to give your homemade pasta an appetizing reddish hue and delicious taste. Use to make tagliatelle, lasagna,...
My mother-in-law taught me this recipe. Atole de elote, also called 'atole' for short, is usually served as a hot drink, although it can also be served...
Large pasta shells stuffed with lowfat cheeses and spinach, smothered in marinara sauce and baked. You can use 2 tablespoons egg substitute in place of...
This is a creamy and simple cheesecake with the addition of green tea powder to give it a taste of the Orient! Green tea powder can be found at Asian grocery...