This recipe makes a large amount of sweet, hearty tomato sauce, featuring eggplant, green pepper, onion, and garlic. Serve over egg noodles for a delicious...
These Galbi-inspired Korean short ribs are incredibly easy to make and very tasty. They can be served with sticky white rice and lettuce wraps and pair...
Okonomiyaki is a Japanese pancake stuffed with yummy goodness! 'Okonomi' means what you like and 'yaki' means grilled. The ingredients provided are the...
This is a very light version of a cheesecake that I learned from a friend in Japan. A perfect recipe for people looking for something sweet to top off...
Flan is a traditional Spanish/Hispanic dessert that can be dressed up any way from chocolate to traditional. This flan is simple, yet creamy and smooth....
I searched high and low for a recipe for this delicious pastry, originally prepared only for the aristocratic Renaissance set in Italy. There are only...
This is Sichuan-style pork stir-fry. Pork plays a major role in many Asian cuisines, where it is prepared in seemingly endless ways. This dish is super...
Tostadas are a common dinner at our home. I fry my own corn tortillas since I think they taste so much better than store bought. I also fry my own pinto...
This shrimp lo mein is easy to prepare and tastes wonderful! Can double the sauce if you like more. Can add additional water or broth to sauce if you like...
A high-protein, low-calorie meal that leaves you FULL. It's so flavorful. Goes great with cornbread and/or a side of refried beans. You can use whatever...
This recipe is a healthier take on a classic Swedish meatballs dish without sacrificing the elegance or taste. No one will ever know from tasting this...
Strips of tender beef accompanied by a flavorful sauce, noodles, and vegetables are done in under an hour. I buy my lo mein noodles at a local Asian food...
Sweet, tasty, and creamy; pear and blue cheese is the perfect flavor pairing! Try this delicate and tasty Italian original homemade ravioli. Serve with...
An Asian chicken recipe without the typical oriental taste. This recipe was voted one of the top 10 dishes in Columbus by Columbus Monthly Magazine, as...
This is marinated beef, Portuguese style. As a variation to cooking, I place all ingredients in a slow cooker on high, stirring often, and cook for about...
Working on my Indian cooking for the moment. Although very little pork is consumed in India, this dish is a specialty of Goan cooking, and vindaloo dishes...
Vegetarian "sausage"? Blasphemy or brilliant? Hold your judgment until you try this tasty Welsh treat, made with leeks, thyme, and cheese. And, of course,...
Each Thanksgiving we all looked forward to my Mom's delicious turkey with Italian meat stuffing. When she got older and could no longer cook, I took over...
The deep flavors and piquant aromas of southern Indian cooking come to life in this recipe. Chicken simmers in a yogurt and tomato sauce rich with herbs...
This recipe was given to me by a dear friend. It's perfect for a special occasion, and is as good as you'll get from any restaurant. The filets are topped...
Here's a delightful dish I adapted from a non-vegetarian recipe. It's extremely easy to prepare in the crock pot. Deliciously creamy, it can be served...
I love this dessert! Instead of digging through my books for the recipe to this yummy dish I went to check the recipe on Allrecipes. I never found it and...
Homemade green pasta dough is just as easy to make at home as regular fresh pasta. All you need to do is add some spinach to the dough to make a nicely...
My mother has been making corned beef and cabbage this way for years. She has no idea where the recipe came from but it is absolutely the best. Easy and...
I made up this mixture on a whim and wow! These are definitely the best hamburgers I've ever had and everyone who's had them says the same. The spices...
North Indian in origin, I was very grateful to have found this recipe. It is very similar to what was served to us by our Bengali neighbors years ago!...
This is a traditional Korean dish and a different method of preparing korean short ribs (galbi). The sweet marinade and tender meat will fall right off...
This is a Chinese national dish...every family has their own recipe. This is my recipe and it's best with white rice! It's super easy and never lets you...
Ricotta and spinach make the most classic vegetarian pairing in Italian cooking. In the traditional tortellini di magro, it's used also as filling for...
Lyon, France is considered the gastronomic capitol of the world. I moved there with the intent to learn this cuisine, and this tart is not only a family...
A mixture of spices and a little cornstarch for thickening, that closely resembles The packaged taco seasoning you might find in the store. There is no...
Juicy, tender quail your whole family will enjoy. Double the recipe as they will surely ask for seconds and thirds! Serve with jasmine rice or a crisp...