A great enchilada recipe for a hot summer night, and all you have to do is pair it with a salad and rice! It's best when you let it cool and set for a...
One of Guadalajara's favorites. Small pieces of flank steak are cooked in their juices, then mixed with whole beans and crispy crumbled bacon. It makes...
Very fast and easy to make! And delicious! Barilla Napoletana® ready-made tomato sauce and garlic with a little bit of fresh lemon goes along very well...
Tandoori chicken gets its name from the clay oven it is traditionally cooked in, the tandoor. The chicken is marinated in yogurt and an incredibly complex...
I use a deli-roasted chicken from our local grocery store to speed up prep time on this dish. You can change the vegetables to suit your tastes. Serve...
Adobo is a simple and hearty Filipino dish. In this version, chicken is marinated in vinegar and soy sauce, then slowly cooked with garlic and spices....
This is a popular dessert among Filipinos. It can be served with different presentations. Ordinarily, when served in the Philippines, it will contain small...
Easy, fast, healthy and delicious! This perfect weeknight dish takes less than 30 minutes, so it's a regular in our house. You can vary the heat by the...
Family recipe straight from Sweden. This is a favorite dish any time that I make it and is often requested by my foodie friends. Serve with mashed potatoes....
I hope to try this on smoked pork ribs. This spice blend offers delightful possibilities. Steep it in tea. Sprinkle it on toast or oatmeal. Fold it into...
An authentic Jamaican curry powder without hot pepper, which should be added separately to any dish. You can also use powdered versions of any of the ingredients,...
My fajitas are finally perfected, it doesn't get any better than this! Fo' sho'! Serve in tortillas with picante sauce or salsa, sour cream, cilantro,...
These are the most delicious lamb chops you'll ever taste! When I make it, this savory lamb dish has impressed EVERYONE and has had people coming back...
This is an authentic sweet tamale recipe (tamales dulces de pina) with canned pineapple, butter, and shortening in the masa dough. They taste delicious...
Masala means a spicy mixture. Vegetable masala is a mixture of vegetables like potatoes, carrots, peas and beans cooked with onions & tomatoes adding spices...
Delicious Malaysian coconut rice, served with anchovy hot chile sauce, fried anchovies, fried peanut, sliced cucumber or tomato and hard-boiled egg. If...
This is my all-time favorite curry to make; it's pungent flavor wins me over every time. You can use beef if you like, but it often takes a little longer...
This is a decadent version of chicken Alfredo. It has three different types of cheese, bacon, and sun-dried tomatoes. It does use a few pots and pans,...
Stir-fry combines tender strips of chicken with vegetables and popular ramen noodles. This version has more veggies and flavor. As is the case for any...
Don't knock it till you've tried it. This rich, delicious, and kicky hot chocolate might make you abandon your traditional ties. No marshmallows needed;...
The Japanese traditionally set each ingredient individually in one common pot or serving bowl. Each diner creates their own bowl of meat, vegetables, and...
This is an authentic recipe for "tyropita", or Greek feta cheese pie. Layers of crispy phyllo and a simple filling of feta cheese. You don't need anything...
You'll never buy teriyaki sauce again. You can substitute chicken thighs in this rib recipe for an easier prep since they won't need to be cut up. Serve...
Make authentic Thai noodles at home with this chicken pad Thai recipe. The sauce is made from scratch using Thai favorites like fish sauce, tamarind paste,...
Whip up a tasty exotic dish that is indigenous to South East Asia in less than an hour! This dish is famous in Singapore and is incredibly easy to make;...
The sauce in this amazing Indonesian curry might be invisible, but you'll know it's there. As it reduces, the water evaporates, leaving behind the fat...
Following a low-carb way of eating doesn't have to mean that you can't enjoy tacos anymore. This casserole has all the flavor of tacos, and if you like,...
Horchata (cinnamon rice milk) has been a favorite addition to the many Mexican meals I've had in the Bay Area. It's lightly sweet and refreshing. This...
Shrimp is simmered in a pork sauce. This recipe is my Grandmother's version of shrimp in Lobster sauce, it's the best that I know of. Try it out and see...
Originated in Persia, brought to India during Akbar period, and modified in Kashmir. The recipe varies from region to region and restaurant to restaurant....
I came up with this recipe on a whim. I love quesadillas, but am picky about what goes in them. This was super easy to make and tasted really good. Serve...