Layers of rice, chicken breast, a creamy soup and salsa mixture and two kinds of cheese add up to a simply yummy salsa casserole! This recipe is a family...
This is a great recipe for authentic Mexican taqueria style carne asada tacos (beef tacos). These are served on the soft corn tortillas, unlike the American...
This zesty recipe leaves your kitchen smelling awesome and your taste buds dancing! I have made this recipe with pork tenderloin and pork chops. My next...
It sounds odd to say that a recipe's biggest problem is that it looks too good, but that's sort of the case with this pear clafoutis, a crustless custard...
For a gourmet meal this is very easy to prepare. Leftovers reheat well the next day too! Instead of using fresh shrimp like the recipe originally called...
Tender pieces of lamb, marinated in a Greek lemon vinaigrette, threaded on skewers and char-grilled to perfection. I like to serve these with rosemary...
I enjoyed a lemon cream cake at a popular Italian restaurant so much that I wanted to recreate it at home. It is a white cake topped with vanilla crumbs...
A classic curry-stand recipe. This is not haute cuisine; this is the kind of nuclear-orange tikka masala that you crave when you stumble out of a pub at...
My mom searched for years for an authentic German cheesecake recipe, but Germans use 'quark', an ingredient not readily available in the U.S. This recipe...
We ate this Mexican-inspired breakfast casserole once at a buffet brunch when we were on an organizing group for the church fiestas, and we both liked...
Cassata cake is like a cannoli but more gooey. You need 2 - 9 inch sponge cake layers for this recipe. The instructions are given for to make them, or...
You can make and serve this gorgeous Italian frozen iced dessert anytime, but it's really best enjoyed during the summer months. Not only is it cold and...
When we lived in Geneva, there was a famous restaurant that only served one thing: entrecote. Also known as steak-frites, it's thin-sliced hanger steak...
This recipe is for a quick Japanese style pork saute. Great with rice and steamed veggies on the side. You can also double the recipe and use whole Pork...
Biryani is a bit of a project and is time-consuming, but I have never been disappointed with the results. Since it is such a festive dish, I usually make...
This healthy, protein-packed tofu dish is filled with flavor. This is a spicy dish. I don't find it overly spicy but I like heat in my faux-meat! I served...
If Mongolian beef is your go to when it comes to Chinese take-out, I challenge you to try this version made with chicken instead. The chicken is melt-in-your-mouth...
A dark, rich fruit cake for wine and fruit lovers! This is a recipe I use at Christmas and for Birthdays. I prefer to use Jamaican Red Label Wine and White...
A very flavorful Asian-type meal with a sweet heat that incorporates my favorite flavors (chili, lime, and cilantro) with a little bit of sugar. The sauce...
The Thai sweet chili sauce gives this dish a sweet and spicy flavor that my kids love. You can adjust the heat level by adding more or less of the sauce...
Slow cooking is not a very traditional, but way less messy for these sweet and sour pork chops. It is an easy cold weather meal with some rice and crispy...
This is something I put together one night when I was trying to use up some random ingredients I had on hand. Came out really 'company good'. Soooo not...
This is one of my favorite recipes. Easy to make, healthy, and full of flavor. Just put all the ingredients in a slow cooker and let the machine do the...
A spicy chicken and pesto pasta dish that's easy to adjust to any heat level. I created it after eating a similar dish at a Santa Monica restaurant, and...
It's hard to find mojitos at any of the restaurants in the small town I'm stationed in, and when I tried to make my own using club soda, they never seemed...
Convenient (and relatively inexpensive) way to have chai 'lattes' at home. The cardamom can be a bit expensive; try looking in the bulk section of a health...
A very easy, spicy stir fry! Adjust spice to your particular taste! Best with marinade, but in a pinch, it's not necessary! Can be chicken, beef whatever...
Fresh sage, sun-dried tomatoes, prosciutto, and cream give this pork tenderloin dish its rich flavor. It's absolutely wonderful and simple! Chopped ham...