This is an authentic recipe for Tandoori chicken. Serve with long grain Basmati rice, cucumber salad, grilled veggies, roasted corn on the cob and finish...
While many have heard of veal scallopini, you can make this Italian dish with most any meat or even vegetables. The trick is to use a demi-glace of the...
This is great for a gourmet taste on a tight schedule. Also, my husband, who isn't a fish fan, requests this recipe! Drizzle sauce over fish, and serve...
I found two slightly different hand written versions of this, my Grandmother's recipe. Born in Nekkar am Rhein in the 1904, she naturally learned to cook...
Indian food is not just curried sauces. It's not too exotic either. Unless 'exotic' is code for 'yummy and full of flavor.' This dish features a healthy...
My version of this classic Thai dish has spectacular taste even with regular basil instead of Thai or holy basil. The sauce actually acts like a glaze...
This yummy steak filling is sure to tingle your taste buds. It's easy to make ahead and when ready, it cooks quickly for a filling meal. Optional: serve...
This is my go-to recipe when I want Chinese food without having to go out. Very easy and delicious. Substituting chicken for the beef works great too....
My version is pretty straightforward--a classic Italian dipping cookie. But you can add hazelnuts, pistachios, and any type of dried fruit. Or dip them...
A Greek favorite that makes everyone think you are a master chef and is sooo easy to make!! I taught a Greek friend how to make apple pie and she taught...
I like red snapper for this, but any white, flaky fish will work. By the way, many Veracruz-style fish recipes call for pickled jalapenos, but I think...
This smoked Polish sausage dish is great for company, but quick enough for a weeknight! It is super good and easy, and can be prepared well in advance....
If you want the perfect sesame chicken recipe this is it! You may want to increase the vinegar or lower the amount of sugar. It all depends on how sweet...
This is a very tasty Asian-inspired dish made with chicken and broccoli in a spicy peanut sauce. If you like it mild, use less cayenne, like it spicy,...
Mincemeat is a traditional English treat that is usually used as filling for mince pies during Christmas, but it tastes great mixed with vanilla ice cream,...
A quick and easy dish to prepare, this chicken stir-fry is packed with veggies. Try adding bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, snap peas, or any of your favorite...
This chicken Parmesan is done casserole style (so, no breading or frying!), but still offers up that irresistible combination of tender chicken, crunchy/cheesy...
This recipe makes the most tender and tasty meatballs. I also freeze these meatballs and take out how many servings I need for each meal. If cooking in...
A friend gave this recipe to me a few years back, and my family can't seem to get enough of it. It sounds strange with cream in it, but that just enhances...
This is a traditional Portuguese dish that brings back memories of mom. It is not only tasty but it is always a hit at parties. Plan ahead, because the...
I had been looking for a Tamale recipe for years. One day I went to the international market and stood in the Mexican aisle till a woman with a full cart...
This is the staple of Korean fine dining, but too expensive in the restaurants. It is also simple to make at home, and will leave your guests asking for...
This is a compilation of several Shortbread recipes I have from British cookbooks. I have been to England three times and REAL shortbread is a favorite....
This is a easy way to make Korean BBQ. You can also substitute chicken breast or sliced rib-eye for the short ribs. If you use chicken or rib-eye, you...