These waffles are so light and fluffy you'll just want to eat them right out of the waffle iron. Great with ice cream for a fancy dessert or treat your...
These are special treat in our house! Try substituting pumpkin puree or canned yam puree for the sweet potatoes for tasty variations. Top with warmed pecan...
Move over, birthday cake. These easy mini waffles are the new party sensation. Baked on lollipop sticks and sprinkled with white chocolate and candy sprinkles,...
As flavorful as you want to make it, this comes together easily and is wonderful for a lazy Sunday, or make them ahead and freeze them. Pop them in the...
My Swedish aunt makes the best waffles ever - crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. They are a bit of a project, but the best part is that they...
These flavorful waffles are filling, lightly spiced, slightly sweet, and perfect for the holidays. They can easily be made using leftover sweet potato...
This is a traditional yeast waffle recipe. It makes tasty, crunchy waffles. They are very good with syrup, or my personal favorite is waffles topped with...
This is a traditional yeast waffle recipe. It makes tasty, crunchy waffles. They are very good with syrup, or my personal favorite is waffles topped with...
As flavorful as you want to make it, this comes together easily and is wonderful for a lazy Sunday, or make them ahead and freeze them. Pop them in the...
During a wheat- and sugar-free time in my life, I created a recipe for some absolutely delicious waffles. They are easy to make and a breakfast the whole...
I created this recipe when trying to get my husband to stop eating fast food for breakfast. Crispy on the outside and full of maple walnut flavor on the...
These flavorful waffles are filling, lightly spiced, slightly sweet, and perfect for the holidays. They can easily be made using leftover sweet potato...
If you are bored with your morning bowl of oatmeal, here's a great alternative. Make lots of extra, freeze, and toast them on demand. Serve with butter,...
Fun and festive mini waffles are baked on lollipop sticks and covered with two kinds of chocolate, shredded coconut, and macadamia nuts for delightful...
Making French toast in your waffle iron combines the best of both worlds. You get all the custardy richness of French toast plus waffle's signature crispy...
My Swedish aunt makes the best waffles ever - crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. They are a bit of a project, but the best part is that they...
Yummy and delicious. These extraordinary waffles are flavored with molasses and spices. Topped with homemade chocolate sauce, they are perfect for a special...
These sour cream waffles are extra fluffy thanks to cake flour, which makes for fluffier waffles than AP flour. Serve topped with a dollop of sour cream,...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
This recipe has been in the family for generations. Now I want to share what is the best memory of my childhood, when I visited my grandparents in Kelvington,...
This recipe has been in the family for generations. Now I want to share what is the best memory of my childhood, when I visited my grandparents in Kelvington,...
I love experimenting with recipes, and I came up with this one after a lot of experimenting with my favorite waffle recipe. These are more filling than...
We love to serve these on Waffle Wednesdays for dinner or for large group gatherings. These are high in fiber and flavor with whole wheat flour, flax seed...
My Swedish aunt makes the best waffles ever - crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. They are a bit of a project, but the best part is that they...