This is a great easy summer salad, with a lot of options as to mixing and matching. Plus the salad looks pretty fancy. You can throw in any summer fruit...
A tasty summery salad made with fresh oranges, red onions, glazed walnuts, and Gorgonzola cheese, then topped with a homemade citrus vinaigrette! Easy...
Delicious grilled vegetable salad served room temperature. Great the next day too! The vinaigrette can be used on any salad or as a marinade for chicken...
This recipe is so quick, easy, and versatile, you may never purchase bottled dressing again. A variety of herbs and spices can be added to suit your personal...
This is a tangy vinaigrette--wonderful on mixed greens, tomato, onion and cucumber salads. It's also good if used sparingly over steamed veggies or stir-frys....
This is a delicious, tangy vinaigrette. It's so versatile, it can be used for mixed greens or taco salads. Enjoy! Serve immediately or keep in the fridge...
I serve this every time I have friends over because I love getting all the praise! They rave about it! People love the contrast of the snappy garlic and...
An easy salad to make with a bag of salad greens, pineapple, bacon bits, nuts and toasted coconut. Use fresh pineapple, if you can, and substitute toasted...
This is an easy and delicious homemade salad dressing. Keeps for a day in the refrigerator. Great on a salad of spinach leaves, red onion, cherry tomatoes,...
This is a light and lovely salad dressing that lends itself well to a simple and elegant salad. I love to use it on a salad of butter lettuce, arugula,...
I got this recipe from a lady who always serves it with a grilled salmon and leafy greens salad, using feta crumbles, red onions, and carrots. If you don't...
This is a deliciously light and fresh-tasting twist on cucumber tomato salad. It takes me to the water's edge, and begs to be served with fresh seafood....
This dressing is lovely yellow color, and we use it on a mixed green salad (mixed Romaine and European greens), tossed with small broccoli and cauliflower...
This is a French-style spinach salad that should satisfy even the meat-lovers at the table. Features bacon lardons, which are simply crouton-size pieces...
Fresh baby spinach, sliced mushrooms, and boiled eggs are topped with a hot bacon vinaigrette with caramelized onions. Very satisfying and earthy! This...
Yummy vinaigrette dressing with a nice richness thanks to some balsamic vinegar and fresh blueberries! I prefer a little less oil for a thicker dressing...
This is a salad dressing that I really enjoy on a green salad with walnuts, cranberries, avocado and goat cheese crumbles. This dressing is strong, so...
Sick and tired of trying bottle after bottle of dressing, and not finding anything that came even close to my favorite restaurant-inspired salad, this...
This sauce is easy to make and is very versatile. Use it on salads, grilled meats, grilled fish hot or cold, vegetables hot or cold, pasta and warm pasta...
Curry fusion vinaigrette. Regarding the curry powder, I mix my own; however, you can use an Eastern-Indian curry mix. I go to a local spice store, The...