This is a delicious ground beef and eggplant dish for eggplant lovers! I have varied this dish several times by using ground pork and also Italian sausage...
I have had this recipe at many church functions and cookouts. This particular recipe is from my "Farm Journals Country Cookbook", originally published...
These are a must-have side on our Thanksgiving table. When choosing fresh brussels, choose small ones, they are more tender. You can toss in some pretty...
This recipe I got out of the Taste Of Home Magazine a number of years ago and have been making it ever since. It has been taken to potlucks many times....
These are really good for a side dish or for a lite lunch with a salad. I got the recipe from Prevention. You can cook them and eat them right away, or...
This is a recipe I adapted from Giada's Everyday Italian. She also recommends grilling shrimp and bell peppers with this, but I'm not a fan of either of...
A quick, flavorful recipe I came up with that fits into the Dr. Simeons Hcg Protocol during VLCD phase. Add spices to taste. **Trimming the Asparagus:...
Rich and creamy scalloped spinach is a natural accompaniment to red meat. Although some recipes omit the bacon, adding pieces of cooked, smoked bacon balances...
These are very easy to make and great as an appetizer or served with salad or a rice dish for a backyard BBQ! I like to add Essence or Creole Seasoning...
This recipe is one of the first ones I created on my own as a young chef in my late teens. I made them for my husband soon after we started dating and...
This came from the BBC's tv program Economy Gastronomy. They served this as part of a whole meal as a side dish with roast lamb. We made the whole meal,...
This savory pudding recipe came from "The Classic Zucchini Cookbook." Grating the zucchini gives the custard a pebbly texture, almost like rice pudding....
I made this up in a hurry one night and it's become one of our very favorite suppers. This is so easy, so fast and looks so pretty you can serve it to...
This meal can be on the table in around an hour, even faster if you have freezer-ready ground beef mix, or you can simmer it for longer. If you do not...
This is something I made up that my family loves. When making it for just my hubby and I, I will add bell peppers and some banana hot peppers to it - really...
I like to serve oysters on special occasions.This bisque is based on a recipe from Sarah Leah Chase's cookbook, COLD WEATHER COOKING. It begins by first...
Plum or Roma tomatoes are best to use in this recipe. Plan head the tomatoes need to chill for a minimum of 4 hours and then left at room temperature for...
Your guests will never want to leave when they get a taste of this dip! Remove any tough outer skins from the artichoke hearts before using in the recipe,...
This recipe comes from "Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen". It is very delicious and goes well with grilled lamb chops. Please only make this in the summer...
My sister-in-law gave me this and I tweaked it to suit our tastes. It is actually pretty good, especially when Crab costs more!! I made them for a group...
While my Polish grandmother canned the world's best dill pickles, she made "crock" pickles to use up the over abundance of cucumbers. They were our favorites....