Note: When made a day or even several hours ahead, the parsley will lose some of its bright green color. If you prefer, you can gently stir in the parsley...
This salad is a wonderful mix of flavors and textures. Serve it with warm flatbread, such as naan. Make a simply beautiful dessert by tossing together...
A Tasty Vegetable Side Dish from South Beach Diet's "Daily Dish" (Phase 1). Artichokes baked gratin-style are creamy and delicious. Using the frozen hearts...
Rather nice beans! Can be made richer with the use of cream and butter, or calorie conscious with yoghurt! From Readers Digest : Quick And Thrifty Cooking...
This dish is great as a main course on a hot summer night or as a starter to a fancier meal. It's served cold so it's a great make-ahead dish. Recipe found...
Creamy juicy coleslaw that the buddies at my significant other's work could not believe this was not from KFC. I have never found a recipe for the way...
One of the most underutilized vegetables with its anise undertones, it's one of the few I love. A woman in the grocery today gave me her recipe for it...
This recipe will make one large and one smaller casserole, so freeze one for later, or serve both to a crowd! I have made this casserole without using...
Very good recipe! I never had mashed turnips before, but I loved them. Servings are approximate. I can't really remember how many servings I got out of...
This is a favorite item of mine to order in NYC Jewish delis. So when I decided to make it at home for a BBQ, the first recipe I pulled off of the internet...
My girlfriend is a caterer and this is one of her most requested dishes. My DD's always bring some home when they work parties with her and it's on the...
This is such a fresh Spring or Summer salad! I parboil the asparagus slightly first though and sometimes use butterleaf lettuce instead of the watercress....
This is based on a recipe I got from a friend 30 years ago. It was called Greek Fish but it didn't seem particularly Greek to me. The original recipe called...
One of the easiest ways to save money on your family's grocery bill is by purchasing foods in bulk when they go on sale. When ground meat goes on sale,...
These mushrooms with pork hash stuffing are great as an appetizer or even as a side dish. The amount of mushrooms you have on hand can dictate the amount...
This is a slightly spicy and VERY filling side dish that you can alter to suit your family's tastes. It's the absolute only way to get my kids and I to...
Tasty and easy on your weight loss another way to get a serving of super-healthy broccoli. At six servings the points plus value is 1 per serving...the...
I made this for Country Lady's Tapas party (Also Elly's birthday/retirement/farewell celebration) A savory strudel which was quite easy to make ahead of...
These pickles are the best, crispiest bread and butter pickles you will ever taste... They are so yummy! Great addition to add on the side of any sandwich...