This came from "The distinct taste and texture of wild rice is a perfect complement to the chicken and asparagus in this dish." A healthy...
Low fat and tasty beef with vegetables on the table in less than an hour. An unusual ingredient in the quick marinade - diet Coke - helps to tenderize...
This is a Giada De Laurentiis recipe and my whole family loves it. What a great way to get kids to eat broccoli, and it makes an unexpected side dish as...
I have a 10 year old grandson who would rather eat soup for dinner then anything else.. AND it doesn't matter what kind of soup. So I get to use him as...
Fresh steamed broccoli can be used in place of the frozen, please make certain to hand-squeeze out excess moisture in the broccoli before using in this...
This is one of my favorite spring-time dishes. However, with the availability of frozen asparagus, it can be modified to enjoy year round. Editted to add:...
My daughter and I love zucchini this way. So chopping, dicing, etc. Give it a try, and use one zucchini, or as many as you need. I use non-fat...
This is absolutely the best recipe! I catered my own wedding and served this - it was the first dish to go & many guests asked for the recipe. You can...
found this in my local paper many years ago and make it every year. Good on Brats or use leftover roast beef shredded, add mayo to moisten. Use this mixture...
This is my own recipe -- just a lot of trial and error. This really makes a fresh, tasty salsa without an abundance of heat. This salsa is mild to medium,...
From a chuch cookbook called "Our Daily Bread" from the First Baptist Church in Vernon, Tx. I picked this up at Half Price Books, a wonderful source for...
A true italian dish both in flavor and preparation. If looking for an unusual but attractive side dish, you found it! This came from a site that sells...
I make this with my home canned tomatoes and fresh veggies....This is quick and I always have the items on hand. Most people who don't like tomato soup...
NOTE TO THOSE WONDERING WHERE THE CRAB IS: Charley's Crab is a restaurant. This is not crab gazpacho but the gazpacho served at Charley's Crab restaurants....
I found this recipe on and have made it 3 times in the last 2 weeks. These are incredible and so easy to make. What's better than an artichoke?...
I love artichokes (see all of the recipe's I have posted) This is from Walt's Wharf in Seal Beach. All the food is superb and beautifully presented, but...
We found the original of this recipe in the 2008 Taste of Home Heartwarming Soups cookbook, then made several changes to it, using more vegetables & making...
I love grilling vegetables, not only because they taste delicious, but I find it quite handy to cook an entire meal outdoors--- and it is nice to avoid...
These go very well with Spaghetti & Meatballs or grilled steak. I usually saute the mushrooms until the butter clarifies. You may substitute the wine and...
We love asparagus, especially cheap and in season. I am always looking for a new way to prepare, other than roasting. This dish has become one of our favorites....
Ruby Mae Bromley operated Mrs. Bromley's Dining Room in Clarendon, Texas many years ago. She was known throughout the area for her good country home cooking....
This is a very rich tasting and fancy appetizer that can be made in advance that I received in a cooking class. In addition, I have never had it served...
A Karen Martini recipe from her cookbook "cooking at home'. She suggests that 1 bunch carrots can be substituted by 1 turnip and 2 parsnips, peeled and...
Cooking Light, May 2003. This dish is such comfort food! Fettucine, shrimp, onions and arugula, marry together to make such a nice dish! The fresh tomatoes...
A delicious, seriously delicious soup recipe. Taken from Jan/Feb 2013 Cooks Illustrated. The zest and chives really lighten up the flavor. Also, let the...
A lovely creamy-mushroomy soup for two. A dash of dry sherry or truffle oil maybe added. Should you like additional mushrooms and a thicker consistency,...
This is perfect to take to a picnic during the summer months because it has NO MAYO!!! It is light, sweet and crunchy. I got the recipe at Trader Joe's...
From The original recipe suggests using the broccoli-cauliflower-carrot mixed vegetables. I couldn't find that mix so I used 1 cup of a broccoli-cauliflower...