FANTASTIC! A great side dish for just about any meal. Save this recipe for when your tomatoes in the garden are ripe and luscious! (or if you have a Farmer's...
I got this recipe from Cooking Light and it is our very favorite way to have asparagus. In the summer we grill the asparagus on the barbeque and then drizzle...
Turnips that are sufficiently young and tender need only be rinsed and dried before cooking; older purple-top turnips will need to be peeled. Make sure...
Found posted on by Christina J. I've been told this is the closest copycat recipe for Primanti Bro's cole slaw. Fingers crossed. I plan...
This is a quick and easy dish that could be served any night of the week. It is also elegant enough to be served at a dinner party. I think the flavor...
I got this recipe from a winery at a tasting. It is so delicious on French bread with some wine. For a chunkier consistency, you can fold in additional...
Fresh basil and garlic bring out the Italian flavors in this simple quick-cooking dish. This makes 3 1-cup servings. Recipe is from Land O Lakes. Your...
My family likes spice so I add in about 2 teaspoons dried chili flakes when sauteeing the veggies, but that is optional, you can sub chili sauce for the...
This recipe is from a friend's, daughter's mother-in-law (kinda like a 5th cousin twice removed and it is delicious! If you want it "HOT" just add a dozen...
I got this recipe from an old cookbook from 1952. I love harvard beets and this is my favorite beet recipe. It is fast and easy to make. In the winter...
This is a very easy relish that my mom always makes. Now that I have my own garden I make it myself. This goes well with fried catfish, beans, or any other...
From Canada's Garden Greens' cookbook. Serve this for your next Asian themed meal. (The carrot was added for color. Substitute packaged shredded cabbage...
When I was growing up, my mother served a lot of canned vegetables, but the one thing she always made from scratch was acorn squash, which she roasted...
The key is chopping the veggies into small pieces. This is what gives the salad such a clean, fresh taste. The small pieces impart juices and flavor. No...
This will definitely be the biggest hit at the party! This is such an easy appetizer to make and it tastes just like the jalapeno poppers you wish you...
Creamy, cheesy, keto-friendly vegetables. Bonus: All of the ingredients can be found at Costco®! Our family loved it. Throw something crunchy on top of...
This is my mother's recipe. There are variations throughout India and this is from Northern India (Punjab). It is actually a relatively easy recipe and...
The goat cheese, when tossed with the hot pasta, melts and becomes a creamy sauce. We've learned that it's a good idea to taste your goat cheese before...
For salads, cut into julienne strips and sprinkle on top. These beets are a colorful and delicious side dish. I pack these in holiday gift baskets, and...
This was made from Thanksgiving leftovers, and ingredients in my pantry. It's a family favorite and a hit at Pot lucks. With leftovers, it's a breeze,...
Meaty portabellos are topped with blue cheese. Great as an appetizer, or build a burger with crusty rolls, red onion slices, lettuce and tomato. I chopped...
People seem to either hate or love beets -- I would guess you like them because you have chosen this recipe to look at. (The first recipe calls for canned...
A delicious, versatile squash soup perfect for chilly fall and winter nights. Use butternut squash or pumpkin and it's a delicious addition to a holiday...
Just Too Delicious!! All the ingredients blend to make a very tasty casserole. We consider this a special dish and it was enjoyed by my family on Christmas...
Did you ever just start cooking without really having a clue where you were going to end up? My kids have gotten used to it by now. "Mom, what's for dinner?"...