These fanciful spirals of fried dough, a take on Greek thiples, are crisp and sweet through and through. They're all the more enticing when topped with...
This loaf is loaded with great flavors, is hearty and great for you! It truly melts in your mouth! You could make patties out of this recipe by leaving...
I came up with this recipe for Thanksgiving to serve as a vegetarian main dish that would marry well with gravy and cranberry sauce. It hit the spot for...
This North African one-dish-meal is so fast, easy, and delicious. Be sure to cook your sauce until the veggies are nice and soft and sweet. Once the eggs...
These well-seasoned baked falafel, with a little bit of heat and accompanied by a cool tzatziki sauce, are good in a pita, on a salad, or just by themselves....
These well-seasoned baked falafel, with a little bit of heat and accompanied by a cool tzatziki sauce, are good in a pita, on a salad, or just by themselves....
These well-seasoned baked falafel, with a little bit of heat and accompanied by a cool tzatziki sauce, are good in a pita, on a salad, or just by themselves....
Classic latkes consist of grated potatoes, onions, and eggs, but it is kosher--and delicious--to include other vegetables, such as parsnips, sweet potatoes,...
These well-seasoned baked falafel, with a little bit of heat and accompanied by a cool tzatziki sauce, are good in a pita, on a salad, or just by themselves....
These enchiladas are a filling and flavorful recipe that will satisfy everyone, even non-vegetarians. These are best when you use really large tortilla...
These enchiladas are a filling and flavorful recipe that will satisfy everyone, even non-vegetarians. These are best when you use really large tortilla...
This is exquisite and pappardelle which are wide flat ribbons work well but any dried pasta can be used. If you want to make this a true vegetarian dish...
Vegetarian version of the original comfort food classic. A mixture of veggies in an herbed tomato broth topped with a layer of Cheddar cheese, creamy mashed...
This sweet bread is similar to buttery brioche, but has crumbled sugar cubes baked into the dough for a tasty crunch when you take a bite. For a thick,...
Try our vegetarian burrito bowls for your next Meatless Monday meal. Yellow rice, black beans, and other Tex-Mex favorites topped with a Chipotle cream...
Could there possibly be anyone in the wide world who doesn't drool at the thought of jacket potatoes with really crisp, crunchy skins and fluffy, floury...
This is a delicious vegetarian side dish with any type of entree. Watch it disappear. Great pot luck dish, as it can be served right from the oven or just...
Instead of typical tomato sauce, spread pizza dough with a creamy white sauce from Jim Lahey's cookbook "My Pizza." Use this for his Ham and Peas Pizza...
You can serve these pancakes for breakfast or dinner! Biscuit mix is combined with yogurt, eggs, onion and bell peppers. A garnish of parsley and diced...
This lighter version of the classic Greek dessert-phyllo dough layered with honey, apricots, and pistachios-is rolled to make it easier to prepare and...
Delicious main dish featuring millet, mung beans, assorted vegetables, flavors and cheese. Yummy! My husband won a local cooking contest with a similar...
Chestnuts play a graceful role in sweetdishes, such as this golden strudel filled withsauteed apples and roasted chestnuts steepedin syrup -- a variation...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for ginger...
Easy, delicious slow cooker recipe that uses some of those dry beans hiding in your pantry. Just about any bean can be substituted for the black-eyed peas....
Easy, delicious slow cooker recipe that uses some of those dry beans hiding in your pantry. Just about any bean can be substituted for the black-eyed peas....
I often just pan-fry celery root cause it's much faster than just boiling it, though for the sake of time I parboil it for a few minutes. I often make...
A sheet pan of roasted leeks and green onions topped with avocado vinaigrette, toasted almonds, eggs, and red pepper flakes. Enjoy over baby spinach and...
A simple meatless meatloaf that combines healthy ingredients to make a savory vegetarian dish everyone will love! The consistency and flavor of this recipe...
Easy, delicious slow cooker recipe that uses some of those dry beans hiding in your pantry. Just about any bean can be substituted for the black-eyed peas....
Easy, delicious slow cooker recipe that uses some of those dry beans hiding in your pantry. Just about any bean can be substituted for the black-eyed peas....
The next time pumpkin-carving season rolls around and you're left with a bunch of seeds, this Italian take on the classic (and resourceful!) fall-time...
Who knew you could use pizza dough to make dessert? Whether you use store-bought dough or make it from scratch, these sweet stuffed buns are a guaranteed...