This ratatouille recipe is from Delia's Vegetarian Collection book and is the basis of the related recipe below, Oven-roasted Ratatouille and Mozzarella...
This beautifully browned cheese-and-kale souffle was baked with a parchment "collar" wrapped around the dish. This encouraged it to rise sky-high. The...
Whether you're a full-time vegetarian or just looking to incorporate more meatless Mondays to your routine, mushrooms are a great stand-in for meat like...
Thanks to a puddinglike batter, this stunning carrot-souffle appetizer won't deflate. A supporting cast -- sauteed baby carrots and sugar snap peas with...
How's this for a magnificent, meat-free entrée? The maitake mushroom is serendipitously steak-size, and looks regal atop the Japanese sweet-potato-and-leek...
This flavorful mash of Japanese sweet potatoes, turnips, and leeks are a smooth, starchy, and buttery base for these meaty maitake mushroom steaks and...
I adapted ChefDaddy's chicken recipe to make it vegan using store-bought plant-based nuggets. Make it kid-friendly by omitting the chiles and serving crushed...
This is a truly sublime soup, as the cauliflower and Roquefort seem to meld together so well, but I have also tried it with mature Cheddar, and I'm sure...
Pate brisee is the French version of classic pie or tart pastry. Pressing the dough into a disc rather than shaping it into a ball allows it to chill faster....
Baked lasagne is the most practical of dishes - it can be prepared well in advance and needs no more than a shove in the direction of the oven at the appropriate...
Spinach and cheese Quiche - this recipe is so delicious and rich! Good for special occasions, parties and birthdays. Instead of Gruyere cheese you can...
A vibrant light green, this hummus-like spread of English peas, almond, and ricotta is satisfyingly creamy and can be used as a dip or to anchor a myriad...
Seasonal fruit, such as plump blueberries or Italian plums, makes the dumplings lighter. We added nutmeg to the sour cream for a hint of spice. Small apricots...
Eating more plant-based meals just got easier, and even healthier. This falafel-inspired pita sandwich gets its crunch from chickpeas that are roasted,...
This vegetarian stew shows off some of the season's freshest vegetables, includingasparagus, carrots, and artichokes -- all afloat in a light vegetable...
Chocolate and vanilla meet twice in these light-as-a-feather souffles: dark chocolate and vanilla bean are swirled together in the batter, and the dessert...
This delicate torta makes a lovely luncheon dish. Served with our Warm Bean, Snap Pea, and Tomato Salad, it is perfect for a springtime supper. To drain...
you will be surprised how easy it is to make these delicious broccoli cheese balls. They are baked but if you don't care about the calories you can fry...
This is a very quick and easy vegetarian supper dish for two people, especially good if you grow your own tomatoes and courgettes and have a glut to use...
This is a delicious dish that can easily be used as a main dish. This is a recipe that I only follow measurements on the milk, the rest is by eye only...
What a treat! You will never miss hamburger meat again. This is real food that you can feel good about and that tastes so delicious and in addition is...
Palmiers (also called palm leaves or pigs' ears) have a shell of caramelized sugar. Once they are in the oven, watch them closely or they may go from a...
Martha warms a minced black truffle in butter sauce to bring out its earthy aroma, then tosses it with angel-hair pasta for an easy and elegant main dish...
For a quick snack, I buy the small tortilla shells in the refrigerated section in the store. I then spread peanut butter and or bananas/raisins on, fold...
Kids may be skeptical of this leafy green -- but not when it's mixed into a creamy ravioli filling. Kale adds vitamin C and antioxidants to this surprisingly...
This pasta is well worth making from scratch, its tiny flecks of green delivering bursts of flavor that contrast sharply with its creamy goat cheese filling...
The filling and the dipping sauce for these traditional dumplings vary throughout the Himalayas; this recipe calls for a vegetarian filling with potato...