Roasted cauliflower has a nutty, sweet flavor that's hard to resist. My son has eaten it two or three times a week since he was three years old-that's...
Packaged baked tofu is tasty and not all that expensive, but homemade baked tofu is even better. The trick to this chewy, savory transformation of bland...
Chia seeds make great desserts and are high in omega-3s. This recipe is a healthy alternative to processed desserts. It uses agave (or stevia if you prefer)...
Roasting is a no-fuss way to put a lot of vegetables on the table. Roasting brings out the natural sweetness in fall root veggies and winter squash. Roast...
Easy pickled radishes are quick to make and will enhance any food you serve it with. Perfectly sweet & tangy, they're a great pickle to have in the fridge....
Salade Niçoise is a beautifully composed salad of French origin that looks fancy but is incredibly easy to make. The traditional version is often made...
The noodles are just a vessel for this savory, gingery, simple weeknight sauce. Double the batch, and you'll always have a way to brighten up any main...
If you don't have a rice cooker, this is the way to prepare absolutely perfect rice. The liquid cooks down before you cover the pot, so you have more control...
Cooking cruciferous vegetables without boiling them, as in this recipe, seems to make them more fragrant and heady-just the way the robust Romans like...
A very easy summer dessert with only 3 ingredients. You can easily make this for more people- count about 2 to 3 apricots and 1 tablespoon chopped almonds...
It takes the better part of an hour to coax an onion's sugars from blonde to nutty brown. Make a big batch of caramelized onions once and save them to...
These potatoes steam away in the coals while you grill the rest of your meal. If you're not eating them right away, keep them in their foil pouches and...
This no-knead loaf is made with a combination of whole grain rye and bread flours. Molasses and dark beer add warm notes that enhance the rich flavor of...
This is adapted from Vegetarian Times and is just about the best meatloaf ever - vegan, vegetarian or 'carnivorian' ... it's the 'meatloaf' sandwich recipe...
This recipe has been in the family of senior editor Randi Danforth for generations. Her great-grandmother bought penny sponge candy to take to the movies...