Jarred roasted red peppers, canned white beans, and a bunch of pasta water make this pasta sauce flavorful, thick, creamy, and totally vegan. But the crunchy...
There is no fancy skill involved in making these crispy fries, but there is a trick. The potatoes are fried twice. The first time cooks them through and...
Doris Jacobson of Anaheim, California, writes: "I host many family gatherings, and I always get requests for my lemon bars and my caponata appetizer. They're...
This is my own adaptation of an Indian recipe. It doesn't look like much, but it is surprisingly yummy. Serve this for dinner over hot rice or a diced...
This super-easy recipe is a perfect canvas for punchy, crunchy toppers like toasted coconut and mustard seeds with turmeric oil and a zingy chutney. The...
When we were children, we adored zeen doy(sesame balls). The dough is fried until golden brown so it is both crisp and chewy from the glutinous rice flour....
Foul mudammas recipe, made with hearty, creamy fava beans and loaded with flavor from ground cumin, fresh herbs, and a zippy lemon garlic sauce with hot...
Fresh and bright, with the pure flavors of sweet corn and lime juice, this creamy vegan soup is exactly what you want for a light meal on a late summer...
This is my very own all purpose seasoning blend that I use on a daily basis. Will store on the counter up to 2 months. Will keep in the freezer for up...
Katy Hees of Santa Fe, New Mexico, writes: "Eating local, fresh, organic food is important to me. It doesn't get much more local than the eggs I use, which...
The beauty of this bread is in its simplicity-mixing, kneading, even part of the rising are all done in a food processor. The end result is like a warm,...