This deep-fried turkey recipe has a delicious Italian marinade injected into the meat creating a rich, unique Italian flavor. Deep frying the turkey in...
Make this Stuffed Turkey Breast Roll recipe for the holiday season (it's perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas)! Savoury stuffing rolled inside a tender...
My husband has been making our turkey this way for the past couple of years. This is a recipe he found on Emeril Lagasse's site and it is a winner ! The...
It is only a couple months away for Thanksgiving. This is from Fancy up that holiday bird by bathing it in champagne. It's a simple but fancy...
My family has lot's of great cooks. My Aunt Patsy is one of the best. She made this chili and everyone enjoyed it,I usually don't like a lot of items mixed...
This is an easy meal to prepare as it can be made in just a few minutes. It is total comfort food! The ingredients are probably right in your pantry! And...
Flavorful and delicious skinless sausages called cevapi and served in many parts of Southeastern Europe. Serve with warmed pita bread and toppings such...
This Is the recipe my daughter Briana uses to cook her smoked turkey legs. Personally I had never made them on the grill until she shared this recipe with...
This recipe is delicious ~ the pepper is soft, and the mixture inside is so tasty. Tip: If you use a smaller pepper than the one pictured here (which was...
These mini meatloaves are made with ground turkey, they are very tasty and moist...this recipe is based on an old classic. Your can use leftover mashed...
This is a very easy recipe - it's a twist on the classic Crescent Dog, dressed up for the holiday flavorful and deliciously ready in 30 minutes. Recipe...
So easy and this allows you to cook other dishes in your oven while your turkey is cooking. A change from turkey and gravy. The cranberry sauce and the...
I like the idea of these pockets. They are in the same catagory as pigs n blankets and quesadillas. This is my first time to make these but I am serious...
This recipe was given to me by a friend. I added a few things to make it a bit healthier and my own. You can pretty much do anything you like to it though,...
This Thanksgiving, we're thinking up lots of creative ways to repurpose those leftovers (and feed the family for days on end). Because let's face it, turkey...
This an old family recipe from my Dad's mother, Velma. Its a Christmas/Thanksgiving cornbread dressing that absolutely everyone loves, and she would be...
I developed this recipe several years ago when my three children were young. They are all on their own now, and make my spaghetti recipe regularly. Everyone...
What an easy casserole recipe and a wonderful way to use up leftover turkey. With so few ingredients, it comes together in a snap. Creamy and full of flavor,...
Another recipe from my Ruralite Magazine,"Lovin Turkey Leftovers" the recipe doesn't say to serve turnovers with leftover turkey gravy as a dipping sauce.But...
My Mother-in-Law used to make these after Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with the left over turkey. I got the recipe from her and does what every cook...