This soup will warm your home and your heart. True Northern comfort food. Save Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey leftovers just so that you can make this...
Num-Yummy!! This soup is delicious and uses turkey instead of ham which really cuts the fat and calories. We always keep a container in the freezer for...
This soup is a perfect recipe for Thanksgiving leftovers. My husband and I love dumplings, and this mild-tasting, homey dish has flavorful dumplings floating...
This recipe comes from a number of years of playing in the kitchen. I find that the addition of beef stock to the recipe adds depth to a usually bland...
Make good use of your leftover dark meat without the fuss of boiling the carcass. Simply pick through the carcass before you toss the bird and save the...
This ground turkey soup with red potatoes is delicious and it's easy to make. This is one you will definitely want to add to your favorite dinner recipes....
A wonderful, light soup perfect for the post-holiday turkey leftovers. The lemon in this recipe makes your palate zing, and it is so friendly on the waist-line...
Easy soup to make using ingredients that I always have on hand. My husband loves this stuff. He likes to put a big spoonful of leftover mashed potatoes...
This ground turkey soup with beans is one of my favorite soups. We used to make this on snow days when I was a kid. I serve with saltines or Goldfish®...
This is a quick, yummy soup perfect for a cool evening. Tarragon is a perfect compliment to turkey, and adds a heavenly aroma that fills the house when...
An interesting solution to the leftover Thanksgiving turkey dilemma. My 2 1/2 year old daughter helped me make it this year. I like to serve it with warm...
A great way to stretch the life of your Thanksgiving turkey! The carcass of a turkey is boiled in broth and joined by veggies, rice and beans to create...
I was looking for healthier ground turkey recipes and came up with this ground turkey soup with rice. I serve this with a fresh French bread. It also freezes...
Got some leftovers from your holiday feast? This tasty, healthy soup will be just the thing to warm you up and keep you satisfied! Fresh veggies with some...
Using spiralized butternut squash as an alternative to pasta, this soup is loaded with fall flavors and gets its smoky spiciness from ground chipotle....
My dad used to make huge Thanksgiving dinners, and the morning after, we would be treated to delicious turkey congee. Congee is a Chinese rice porridge...
I developed this soup when trying to figure out to do with Thanksgiving dinner leftovers. It is delicious and will turn turkey dinner leftovers into an...
This is my version of a posole dish we used to serve at a Mexican restaurant I worked at. It is requested on a fairly regular basis here at the homestead...
An authentic rural Mexican dish usually prepared with pork, posole is traditionally eaten at New Year's. This version is a great way to unload those turkey...
This is the perfect soup for a chilly evening or a fall afternoon. I have been asked for this recipe over and over again, it's always a crowd pleaser!...
The meal trifecta is possible - cheap, lean, and delicious! This ground turkey-lentil soup is gluten-free, incredibly fast and easy to make, and a huge...