Frozen vegetable and pasta blends are a great time saver, rounding out this dish into a one dish meal. Choose your favorite cream soup to create the creamy...
A one-skillet, family-friendly meal that is ready in 30 minutes. Make use of leftover, pre-cooked chicken for this fast, affordable meal. Serve in a bowl,...
These easy mini quiches are perfect for brunch or breakfast on-the-go! Simple to put together, and packed with protein! You can have two of these for fewer...
Crispy pan-fried chicken cutlets are sandwiched between thick slices of crusty bread with mozzarella cheese and traditional tomato sauce, then toasted...
Lean ground turkey and heart-healthy avocado come together to make eating right delicious. This recipe brings a little Southwestern flavor to the mix,...
This one-pot version of fried rice doesn't require cooking the rice ahead of time - it cooks right in the skillet, absorbing all the delicious sauce, in...
Sweet cinnamon muffins made with almondmilk and filled with apples and cream cheese. Muffins may be frozen. To reheat, leave wrapped muffins on the counter...
Cheese fanatics rejoice! This baked game day dip involves minimal prep work for maximum melty goodness. Combine crumbled feta and sharp Cheddar cheese...
Grilled avocados on a warm corn tortilla topped with a fresh salsa made from grilled corn, black beans, jalapeño, cilantro and lime juice from Dan Seidman...
We always love digging into a pan of enchiladas but have not always had time to make them. So we took all the things we love about enchiladas to make a...
The Parmesan cheese adds a nice Italian touch to this meal-and crème fraiche gives it a rich, creamy texture. This may be the most delectable way you've...
The procrastinator's dream recipe: 10 minutes to party time is all you need to turn 5 ingredients into a savory app. Better snag a scoop quickly-these...
This fresh salad from Dan Seidman of The Chef Dan incorporates thinly sliced cucumber, red onion and chili pepper with a dressing of rice wine vinegar,...
Peanut butter and chocolate meet here with the elevated--but easy!--upgrade of a rich, chocolaty ganache center. Soft on the inside and slightly crisp...
Try this twist on an enchilada using Old El Paso® refried black beans; vegetarians and meat eaters will love the delicious taste. These yummy enchiladas...
These crepes are filled with scrambled egg whites, mushrooms, and shredded cheese for an impressive brunch item. And they can be made ahead and refrigerated...
You will love our super simple, delicious, 2-ingredient recipe! Why World's Best? Because of our fresh tasting Red Gold Petite Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies....
A summertime twist on a holiday favorite--adding zucchini keeps the dish moist, plus adds color and the use of Swanson® Chicken Broth ensures the best...
Here's buttery fried chicken using a new method. Béchamel sauce binds chopped cooked chicken to form patties (croquettes). They are then fried to a crisp...
Beef short ribs are braised for hours with wine and vegetables in the oven until tender and flavorful, then served with horseradish mashed potatoes for...
Topped with chopped Butterfinger candy bar pieces, this classic chocolate brownie adds a festive flair to a celebration. Try cutting each brownie into...