These beans are briefly boiled and tossed with cherry tomatoes in a buttery basil sauce to make the most yummy green beans ever! We serve these at Easter...
This is a classic and tasty Greek recipe for spinach. Easy and quick to cook, and it is certain to be consumed quick too! Serve with fresh lemon juice...
Author: Vasiliki
A refreshing taste of vegetable juice with crisp chopped celery and onion. Lovely served as a side to my 'Ham Salad for Two,' or any other salad one wants....
Author: Barbara Zavadil
This is a simple and easy to toss together recipe using cauliflower. Serve this dish with Indian breads such as thin rotis or naans--even a pita bread...
Author: Manisha Pandit
Delicious alternative to classic Italian-style tomatoes.
Author: Hmazzz
A nice side dish with practically no fat or calories that will go with any meal except a tomato-based one. If you like, you can add diced bell peppers...
Author: Jerry the Kid
Mike came up with this recipe during the first dinner we cooked together in our brand-new apartment! We were inspired by a similar dish we've had at an...
Author: MikeAndKim
This delicious vegetable dish with chard and tomatoes is simmered in a hearty sauce with garlic, cream, and feta cheese. Tastes great as a vegetarian main...
Author: barbara
Beans and greens are a perfect combination, earthy and satisfying. This recipe for Swiss chard with garbanzo beans, onion, and fresh tomatoes is brightened...
Author: Syd
Very colorful. This recipe card has a 'smiley face' on it that my mom drew. She only drew them on her finest recipes!
Author: Claire Brandau
Very colorful. This recipe card has a 'smiley face' on it that my mom drew. She only drew them on her finest recipes!
Author: Claire Brandau
Very colorful. This recipe card has a 'smiley face' on it that my mom drew. She only drew them on her finest recipes!
Author: Claire Brandau
Italian Flavor...easy to prepare. We are not a fan of green beans BUT cooked this way, we are! Use fresh green beans.
A colorful, light, and delicious concoction to serve with tortilla chips or pita bread. Avocados, tomatoes, green onions, black beans, and Mexicorn are...
This is a great easy and fun side dish for any grilled entree or for a fun and tasty appetizer use cherry or plum tomatoes.
Author: Wilemon
Sauté grape tomatoes in less than 10 minutes. This recipe can also be made with cherry tomatoes.
Author: USA WEEKEND columnist Pam Anderson
This is an easy, tasty, pretty way to whip up a side dish, or a leading man for a salad, in about 1 minute. Be careful and quick with these - we want 'em...
Author: SunnyByrd
This was my grandmother's (Dollie Cowan) recipe. She often served this at luncheons. Tomato aspic sounds a little strange to people nowadays, but it was...
Author: Clotho98
Mexican zucchini rounds simmered in stewed tomatoes, onions, and garlic then loaded with mild cheddar cheese. One of my favorite comfort foods from my...
Author: EnjoyMyRecipe
Peas are normally considered a side dish, but in Greece it is common to eat a plate full of vegetables as a main course. This traditional way of cooking...
Author: Diana Moutsopoulos
This is a great easy and fun side dish for any grilled entree or for a fun and tasty appetizer use cherry or plum tomatoes.
Author: Wilemon
Quick and tasty asparagus. Great with steak! Beef broth can be replaced with water or any other broth.
Author: HeatherMG
This is a great Greek/Turkish aubergine (eggplant) dish flavored with cinnamon. Delicious on its own or with rice or couscous.
This is a great Greek/Turkish aubergine (eggplant) dish flavored with cinnamon. Delicious on its own or with rice or couscous.
These roasted Mediterranean vegetables featuring cherry tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, onion, and garlic make a delicious sheet pan dinner with an easy...
Author: BigDaddy
This terrific dish is loaded with succulent Mediterranean vegetables.
Peas are normally considered a side dish, but in Greece it is common to eat a plate full of vegetables as a main course. This traditional way of cooking...
Author: Diana Moutsopoulos
These beans are briefly boiled and tossed with cherry tomatoes in a buttery basil sauce to make the most yummy green beans ever! We serve these at Easter...
Mexican zucchini rounds simmered in stewed tomatoes, onions, and garlic then loaded with mild cheddar cheese. One of my favorite comfort foods from my...
Author: EnjoyMyRecipe
Roasted pecans, sauteed onion, mushrooms, and garlic marry beautifully with Parmesan, sun-dried tomato pesto, and couscous. If you wish, stir in cooked...
Roasted pecans, sauteed onion, mushrooms, and garlic marry beautifully with Parmesan, sun-dried tomato pesto, and couscous. If you wish, stir in cooked...
Matbucha (Mott-Boo-Chah) is a cooked tomato and roasted bell peppers salad that is popular in Israel, Morocco and throughout the Middle East. The name...
Author: JEFF144MAN
Quick and tasty asparagus. Great with steak! Beef broth can be replaced with water or any other broth.
Author: HeatherMG
Mexican zucchini rounds simmered in stewed tomatoes, onions, and garlic then loaded with mild cheddar cheese. One of my favorite comfort foods from my...
Author: EnjoyMyRecipe
Pepian is among the 4 national dishes of Guatemala. Pepian is hot, hearty, simple, yet complex. In Guatemala, pepian has as many variations as there are...
Author: El_Ixto
Quick and tasty asparagus. Great with steak! Beef broth can be replaced with water or any other broth.
Author: HeatherMG
Quick and tasty asparagus. Great with steak! Beef broth can be replaced with water or any other broth.
Author: HeatherMG
Mexican zucchini rounds simmered in stewed tomatoes, onions, and garlic then loaded with mild cheddar cheese. One of my favorite comfort foods from my...
Author: EnjoyMyRecipe
This yummy side dish is a wonderful way to use those homegrown vegetables in the summer. This is great for a cookout served along side grilled steak, chicken,...
Author: Andrea F
This is a great Greek/Turkish aubergine (eggplant) dish flavored with cinnamon. Delicious on its own or with rice or couscous.
These stuffed tomatoes are very fast and easy. A savory, yet sweet, side for any Italian meal.
Author: Brian Genest
A quick and delicious side dish or snack. These stuffed tomatoes are as colorful as they are flavorful.
Author: KATHYP100
This is a bright, beautiful, and very simple vegetarian dish. The secret of the sophisticated flavor is in the herb vinegar. I like to use white vinegar...
Author: amanda1432
Had a few cans of hominy and came up with this dish. Bonus is, it is quick to prepare. Good for vegetarians too!
Author: Treeskitchen
Had a few cans of hominy and came up with this dish. Bonus is, it is quick to prepare. Good for vegetarians too!
Author: Treeskitchen