Our idea of salad for dinner in the height of summer means minimal cooking, lots of fresh greens, and enough protein to feel filling. Here, that means...
The secret to this outstanding shrimp is the tomato paste and seasoned salt, you can double the complete recipe but keep the fresh garlic at 2 tablespoons....
This tart-but-sweet butter brings an extra hue of cerulean to dusty-blue cornmeal pancakes, but it also happens to be our favorite butter for muffins or...
Use any mixture of berries in this simple, quick compote. It tastes great with the raspberry torte and over ice cream or pound cake. Active time: 5 min...
Quahogs as we call them in RI are actually large chowder clams. These are delicious but take a little time to prepare. You can make these ahead and freeze...
This classic Polish soup (which has close cousins across Eastern Europe) is the ultimate in summer refreshment: Cool, creamy, and gently crunchy from cucumbers,...
Fresh and bright, with the pure flavors of sweet corn and lime juice, this creamy vegan soup is exactly what you want for a light meal on a late summer...
A marriage between two of our favorite summer fruits, this savory-sweet dish is decorated with soft cheese and a hint of garlic. Served over a crispy baguette,...
For this cookout-ready dinner, grilled chicken gets glazed with a sweet and tangy South Carolina-ish barbecue sauce. The simple salad of grilled onions,...
I found this recipe on the Eating Well website amongst the diabetic friendly recipes. It's supposed to be an appetizer but I served it over a nice salad...
Panchos are Argentina's take on hot dogs-a street-food staple that features a vast array of toppings. Condiments typically include mayonnaise, mustard,...