Ninety-four percent of all stuffed peppers are made because there's leftover rice around. You can adjust this recipe in lots of different places: the herbs,...
Delicious jumbo pasta shells stuffed with turkey or chicken, ricotta cheese and toasted pecans. One of my favorite pasta recipes, it's a perfect way to...
This is a quick and easy main dish. My kids don't even like cabbage, but they love this. I usually try to serve it with green beans, new potatoes, corn,...
Green bell peppers stuffed with a mixture of rice, textured vegetable protein, cheese and tomato sauce. Omit the cheese for a vegan variation. Serve with...
My picky teens who hate zucchini love this hearty main dish. And I love it because it gives me one more way to use up the overabundance of zucchini from...
I'm not a big fan of traditional stuffed peppers, so I make mine Mexican-style! This dish was inspired by the Mexican seven-layer dip. I love to make them...
Forget trying to roll the cabbage rolls. I tried this once and realized that I didn't need to spend all that time making the rolls because they ended up...
This recipe is a very traditional Moldovan recipe. My mother and my grandmother used to cook it at almost every Moldovan holy day and sometimes on a casual...
I love stuffed cabbage (galumpkis) and wanted to share my version of paleo stuffed cabbage. I also love zucchini so I find a way to incorporate it in many...
Cabbage is nutritious, low in calories, and can be super filling! If you want to lose weight, cabbage should be on your menu! I recently bought the rainbow...
I just love the summer months and all of the fresh vegetables we have available to us! We are very lucky to have so many farmers that share their harvest...
Zucchini boats stuffed with a tomato/vegetable mixture and topped with smoked gouda. The cheese gets toasty and melty and ties the flavors together. My...
This is my favorite baked pepper recipe that is keto and quick to put together. The bell peppers are stuffed with store-bought meat and tomato sauce, mozzarella,...
Bell peppers stuffed with more bell peppers? That's right, our favorite Ratatouille Provençale recipe is the star of these twice-baked stuffed peppers...
Zucchini is sliced lengthwise and is stuffed with a mixture of ground turkey, brown rice, cinnamon, garlic, pepper, and chicken broth. It is a light and...
These burgers are bursting with flavor! Seasoned meat stuffed with fontina and bacon topped with Gorgonzola and a red Zinfandel mushroom sauce! Make sure...
An old family recipe for classic comfort food passed down to me by my mom. Green peppers are stuffed with a mixture of ground beef and rice then smothered...
This is my favorite version of stuffed peppers and super easy! Stuffing with chicken, cheese, and cilantro makes the peppers very flavorful and fun! I...
With garden's last hurrah comes lots of peppers and tomatoes! Stuffed peppers have always been a fall favorite. Topping our old favorite with a slice of...
This healthier stuffed peppers recipe uses an assortment of colored peppers, lean ground beef, brown rice, fresh onion and garlic, and natural tomato sauce....
A great change to the usual grilled burgers. These burgers are stuffed with ham, cheese, mushrooms, and onions then slow grilled. Grill over hickory or...
I received this recipe from my grandmother. It was passed down to her from her grandmother. This can be made ahead of time and frozen for a few days prior...
This is a family recipe that goes back more than 80 years. I have made modifications to this recipe to enhance the taste and flavor. These cabbage rolls...
For this satisfying dish, cabbage leaves are stuffed with a seasoned mixture of rice, ground beef, pork and ham. They are then laid on a bed of sauerkraut...
Delicious and easy recipe that has the taste of Cabbage Rolls! A bag of slaw mix from the produce section, some ground beef along with several other ingredients...