Brunswick stew is better if made a day ahead and allowed to stand in refrigerator overnight in order for flavors to blend. Serve with a salad and hot bread...
Serve this hearty and elegant stew with chopped Chives and a good french crusty Bread for a wonderful evening. Cassoulet is a rich, slow-cooked bean stew...
This is a recipe I adapted from how I make stew in a crock pot/slow cooker. The golden mushroom soup (I use Campbell's brand) makes a great gravy and you...
A flavourful and colourful stew, thanks to the host of vegetables and seasonings. Cook the greens separately to avoid any bitter taste. Because sweet potatoes...
This is an all time favourite! NB (Including some review suggestions - THANKS!): #1 If you prefer fresher veggies (not the stew soaked kind), leave the...
Adapted for OAMC from an October 2007 Cooking Light Recipe. Calories 391, Fat 11 g, Fiber 12.9 g. Weight Watchers Points 8. "An inexpensive cut of pork...
Come October in the South Carolina lowcountry, when the shrimp season overlaps high blue crab season, it's time to make Frogmore Stew! Named for Frogmore,...
This is Lydia's way to make beef stew. Lydia came to the United States when she was 18. She shared this recipe with me back in 1998. Very hardy, buttery...
This is from "The Philippine Cookbook". It's a great tasting recipe. My favorite. I think the recipes that use coconut milk have Indonesian influence due...
The Moosewood version of African Groundnut Stew. Serve groundnut stew on rice, and along with one of these: hard-boiled eggs, chopped scallions, chopped...
This is a different kind of stew as the cinnamon is the promident smell as it is cooking, but blends in with the other spices and flavors creating a nicely...
I make this with "Porkette" a boneless, smoked trimmed pork shoulder butt made by the Freirich company. You can find it in the meat section, near the ham...
This one pot wonder is quite delicious and though I've not tried it any other way I'd say it would make for good pie filling if you used thigh fillets...
This was my mother's recipes for Faki, which has been one of my favorite soups since I was a child. The natural flavor of the lentils comes through nicely,...
This is one of those stews that's perfect for a cold night in. Normally lamb stews are done with red wine, but this one uses white - works very well, too....
My mother gave me this recipe. She found it while clipping coupons. It is from S&W. This is the best stew I have ever eaten and my family requests me to...
I found this recipe on another website. It originally came from Bon Apetit magazine. I made it when I wanted to do something a little different with stewing...
Buffalo Stew for the slow cooker. Free Range Buffalo is lower in fat and cholesterol than even chicken breast. The general rule for cooking buffalo is...
New Orleans original red beans and rice meat ingredient. I can't eat beans with out it! Sometimes I totally leave out the sausage and put in extra pickle...
A vegetarian version of the New Mexico favorite green chile stew. Recipe source: local newspaper which is printed from Vegetable Soups from Deborah Madison's...
We like this with mashed potatoes, pasta or rice and vegetables. I usually do not thicken the sauce, but that is a personal preference. I have made this...
A slightly modified version of a recipe from Easy International Cooking that is really bursting with flavour. With the chillies leave the seeds if you...