My grandfather was a professional fisherman and used to make this all the time. Delicious on toast for breakfast. The vinegar in this recipe dissolves...
I was looking for a fun appetizer prior to a French meal I had planned. I thought modifying a traditional Fougasse recipe and putting the olives "on the...
Cilantro makes a wonderful pesto and is a nice change to traditional basil pesto. Use on pasta or as a spread on crackers or bread. To spice this up -...
The recipe calls for 1 3/4 cup FRUIT, with 1 1/4 of that being crushed strawberries and the remaining 1/2 cup rhubarb. I hope you used the full amount,...
This recipe, minus a little tweaking, came from the Gooseberry Patch 'family favorite recipes' cookbooklet, 2005, that I received in a cookbook swap recently!...
This is absolutely delicious and a snap to make. My girlfriend gave me this one and I'm not sure where it came from; but I am posting it here so I don't...
Someone gave me this recipe many years ago after I tried it, loved it and had to have the recipe. It's always my favorite choice for appetizer. I always...
My copycat rendering of Earth Balance brand 'Coconut and Peanut Butter Spread'. In case of peanut allergies you can substitute another nut/seed butter...
My wonderful late father-in-law taught me his favorite way to make guacamole many years ago. I wasn't too sure about the dill pickle and juice he added,...
A traditional item on the Norwegian smorgasbord-type meal we always have on the 25th of December, which here, is called "First Day of Christmas", because...
This is as good as Knorrs classic spinach dip.I think once this recipe gets around,it could be as popular.Well maybe...Serve with vegetables,crackers,...
Peanut butter shows up in numerous foods for children, but this twist is one our family used to eat and have shared with other families down through the...
This is a large cheeseball that is especially good at holidays. I put these cheeses together a long time ago and along with the garlic and onion it's a...
My pastor's wife in NY served this at their annual open house and my husband loved it. I make it when we tailgate on the plains in Auburn. Must be served...
Pesto is very easy to make if you have blender or a food processor. Classic pesto is basil, garlic, parmesan, pine nuts and olive oil but you can make...
This simple recipe from Mark Bittman's "Quick and Easy Recipes" is incredibly useful, easy to make and delicious. It keeps fairly well so you can keep...
If you are familiar with Ruth Reichl, you know that she knows food! This is from "The Gourmet Cookbook" I love this Tapenade. It is wonderful served with...
You've gotta try this recipe! All my friends beg me for it and tell me tales of hideous hummus recipes they have/are trying. I is so easy and soooo yummy,...
This was a huge hit at a family function. I went from about 1 ½ lbs to a ramekin in less than two hours. My sister in law commented how good it was. I...
One of the women in my book club brought this dip to our potluck. It was delicious! Whole wheat crackers or Pita bread both work well dipping. I was amazed...
i couldn't find this anywhere on this site... i'm planning on making this for our pizza tonight (garlic aeoli sauce with chicken, herbs, tomato and feta)...
Pumpkin spice butter is a perfect fall treat! Made in minutes from simple ingredients, this pumpkin compound butter recipe includes honey, pumpkin puree,...
My daughter was begging for lobster but it was too expensive so I bought a can of crab from Trader Joe's and she and I came up with a delicious crab dip...
Are your kids always looking for an after school snack?! Or what about a snack for after the game, or some other activity?! Look no further and give this...
A wonderful spread made in Serbia I recently became a fan and found this recipe. Better than commercial I plan on including this yummy spread when I entertain.The...
This recipe is from the September 1991 issue of Gourmet Magazine. This may be made 2 days in advance, kept covered and chilled. Serve this with crackers...
This is a moist and light cake. I had a yellow cake mix but wanted something a little different this is the delicious result...hubby loved it...hope you...