Italian Sausage Soup is loaded with flavor, easy to make, and a healthy option for a cozy meal. In only 30 minutes you can be sitting down to dinner with...
This hearty slow cooker beef stew is packed with seasoned well with all the potatoes, chuck roast, onions, carrots and celery. Just 4 to 6 hours in the...
Vegetable beef soup has always been one of my favorite soup recipes to order at a restaurant. This hearty vegetable beef soup will soon be a staple in...
Turn leftover Saint Patrick's Day corned beef and cabbage into a hearty, homey one-pot soup. Earthy caraway seeds, fresh dill, and pungent malt vinegar...
Rich, creamy, and filling, yet also delicate and mild, the sweetness of the pork complementing the faint bitterness of the clams, accented by bits of celery...
This Wendy's Chili copycat recipe is made with ground beef, bell pepper, onions, diced tomatoes, kidney beans, pinto beans and spices that will warm you...
Vegan butternut squash soup is a rich, plant based classic fall soup. Full of warming spice and loaded with decadent cashew cream, you'll love diving into...
Ten minutes is all it takes to make this quick and easy Miso Soup with Tofu! This Asian-inspired version of the popular Japanese soup is salty, savory,...
Recipe video above. Carrot soup is incredibly delicious - sweet, savoury and creamy. And I LOVE the colour! The bacon makes a terrific flavour base here,...
This authentic Thai Hot and Sour Soup recipe, also called Tom Yum Goong and sometimes Tom Yum Kung, is exactly how we learned to make it in Thailand! Fresh,...
Instead of the usual (and expected) turkey sandwich, make this easy leftover turkey soup! It's the perfect way to use up your leftover Thanksgiving...
Potato and Butternut Squash Soup is a comforting and creamy potato soup made with sweet butternut squash. This is a beautiful soup to serve in cooler weather....
Creamy, Indian-inspired 1-pot curried cauliflower soup with carrots, ginger, and red lentils! Subtly spiced, quick and easy to make, and perfect for meal...
This is the chicken soup you'll be making on repeat! Prepared Mediterranean-style with loads with fresh lemon juice, veggies, herbs, and warm spices,...
Recipe video above. All the fixings of a taco - in soup form! Don't skip the toppings - they totally make it! At least cheese and sour cream or yoghurt...
Rich and hearty homestyle Beef Barley Soup! Made with tender chunks of beef roast, nutritious whole grain barley, fresh veggies and a deliciously seasoned...
This tangy Chicken Salsa Soup is quick and delicious! Warm, hearty, and perfect for even the busiest evening, the crowd-pleasing flavors make this soup...
Recipe video above. This is a recipe for a real Malaysian restaurant quality laksa made by sprucing up store bought laksa paste! You can't just dump store...