A delicious slow cooker soup recipe made with a beef-tomato broth, tender chunks of beef, flavorful veggies and soft, chewy barley. A perfect one pot dump...
This Copycat Zuppa Toscana Soup recipe is loaded with sausage, bacon, cauliflower and kale. Made in the Instant Pot and full of flavor, this low carb recipe...
Got some leftover pumpkin? Then make this 30 minute vegan pumpkin ginger soup. Inspired by the Dominican cuisine, it is an easy to make yet flavor packed...
Creamy Jalapeno Popper Soup is a warm, comforting, meal-in-a-bowl that's packed with bits of jalapeno, creamy-gooey cheese, tender potatoes, and chicken...
Slow cooker chicken broccoli cheese soup is a hearty meal prepared entirely in your slow cooker. This creamy cheese soup is filled with shredded chicken...
I begged my coworker for this recipe - now I can share with everyone else. Approximately 94 calories per 1 cup serving - and full of some of the best veggies...
This luscious vegan asparagus soup is made extra rich and creamy by blending up veggies with raw cashews. And guess what: you don't even need to soak the...
Let's be honest, nothing hits the spot more than congee when you are sick, hungover, or not feeling well, but who wants to spend hours in the kitchen when...
This booyah recipe is a meaty, chunky stew popular in the American Midwest made with loads of meats and vegetables simmered low and slow, usually for community...
This smooth savory soup is good hot or cold. Leave it plain for a subtle soup or spice it up with pepper sauce. It's a healthy alternative to salty chips...
Low Carb Zuppa Toscana is packed with sausage, cauliflower, and kale for a lower-carb version of Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana soup. This twist on the classic...
This might just be the best tomato soup you've ever had! It's so easy to make, perfectly flavorful and satisfyingly hearty. And talk about comforting soup...
This Mediterranean Zucchini Yogurt Chilled Soup is a great light dinner option or a starter on hot days. It provides a refreshing, low carb and high protein...
I finally found the perfect homemade tomato soup. Creamy but not overly so. Tomato-y but not acidic. It is comforting and perfect, with a surprising secret...
My Hawaiian Grandpa's famous Hawaiian Beef Stew. A tangy & rich tomato gravy simmers with onions, carrots, potatoes, & beef until perfectly fall-apart...
This warming curried split mung bean soup with coconut milk is easy to prepare, nourishing and simply delicious. Enjoy on its own or with some grilled...