This lentil soup is hearty, healthy, and loaded with roasted tomatoes, mirepoix vegetables, and delicious Mediterranean flavors. The perfect cold-weather...
Dill Pickle Soup - traditional Polish Recipe aka Zupa Ogorkowa. The most popular Polish soup of them all. For some, it may sound strange, but if most Polish...
All the flavors of cabbage rolls with out all the hassle! This soup is easy to make and deliciously flavorful. A delicious new recipe to add to the dinner...
These Korean soup recipes are just the thing to warm your soul! From chicken to red bean to ramen, bring an authentic taste of Korea to your table with...
Serve this brimming-with-flavor soup in deep bowls that you can cozily wrap your hands around on a chilly evening. It's easy to make, easy to eat and one...
Zucchini and Potato Soup is satisfying, smooth and creamy. Using potatoes to provide a creamy texture, this soup is vegan, nutritious and quick and easy...
This Stuffed Pepper Soup is everything that a soup should be. It is a warm, hearty, homestyle meal that tastes like my delicious stuffed peppers but takes...
If you want a switch from your normal stew recipes, you do not want to miss this Crock Pot Pork Cider Stew! It is easy to throw together and has an awesome...
Enjoy all the flavors of stuffed peppers without all the work in this Stuffed Pepper Soup recipe. With ground beef, sausage, bell peppers, and a tomato...
This Spicy Vegetarian Chili is thick, satisfying and super filling! Serve it with your favorite toppings for an easy and healthy meatless meal. (gluten...
This thick and hearty Lentil Soup is packed with good-for-you ingredients -- tons of veggies and lentils! This soup is incredibly filling and truly comfort...
Ozoni (Japanese New Year Mochi Soup) is one of the popular Osechi Ryori dishes. This clear dashi based mochi soup with chicken and seasonal vegetables...
Green Goddess Immune Boosting Soup ~ this nourishing soup is the cold weather equivalent to your power smoothie. It's a vibrant soup packed with everything...
This ultra hearty Ham and Bean Soup is perfect for using up that leftover holiday ham! After all the holiday cooking, you could use something soul-warming...
This beautiful creamy, golden soup is made from beautiful golden chanterelle mushrooms that I harvested from the wild. If you're not able to find any of...
Creamy but healthy green string bean soup recipe of Romanian origin that is also plant-based, vegan and insanely delicious with tons of flavor from garlic...
Creamy Vegetable Soup (without cream) is a vegan and gluten-free favorite that comes together in one pot. Filled with fiber and plant protein, this hearty...
Curried Pumpkin Soup is a hearty, comforting, vegan soup packed with pumpkin, apple, and carrot. Learn how to make pumpkin soup in an instant pot in a...