My husband wants desperately for me to patent and sell this recipe to a canner, but I want to share it with you! It is a huge hit at Thanksgiving and Christmas...
The brown sugar, cream, marshmallows, and oatmeal streusel give this casserole a taste similar to sweet potato pie, yet the dish goes great alongside meals...
This is a tasty fresh vegetable dish ready in 15 minutes. The asparagus stays nice and green when steamed in the microwave or steamer if you prefer. The...
Moles come in various flavors and ingredients, with chili peppers as the common factor. However, the classic mole version is the variety called mole poblano,...
I make this recipe as a side dish for homemade macaroni and cheese and Italian pasta dishes. The leftovers work great chopped up and thrown into spaghetti...
After preparing your favorite chicken dish, it's all gravy - chicken gravy! Pour over chicken and go to town! Yum! If you don't have chicken stock on hand,...
Pan-roasting in duck fat gives these potatoes a luxurious flavor that can't be added any other way. These potatoes will step up your breakfast game and...
This recipe has been in my family for as long as I can remember. We only got to have it at holidays. Now, I use it for a special go-to side dish all year...
This Moroccan couscous recipe is a simplified, vegan version of the traditional dish, filled with sweet raisins, crunchy almonds and herbs. It might not...
If hot sauce is your thing, you will love, love, love this fresh tasty recipe. I first tried a version of this hot sauce in Cameroon, Africa. I couldn't...
My Guatemalan sister-in-law taught me how to make this rice. In Guatemala, it is served with almost any meal, and is accompanied by black beans, salsa,...
This recipe was given to me by my aunt and is now a standard in my home by request for holidays and potlucks. It's yummy onion flavor and nut topping go...
This is a recipe you can serve hot or cold. A great side-dish or can be a full meal. My kids love this and it's always a hit. You could also add poached...
A very simple tomato Mexican rice recipe. I can have this in the oven and cooking in one set of ads on the TV. If you don't have chicken stock, use hot...
This is that sweet corn pudding-type stuff they serve in Mexican restaurants like Chevy's. Yum! Serve using an ice cream scoop to get a nice round look....
The use of cauliflower with potatoes in this recipe brings the carb and natural sugar count down while ramping flavor way up. No one will think these even...
A lovely and refreshing salad or appetizer, better if it's allowed to sit and marinate a few days. You can also pop it in a blender for quick and tasty...
No bells and whistles with this one, just delicious sprouts with crispy brown edges and soft insides. I've got a 10-quart fryer so if the sprouts look...
French fries coated in truffle oil and Parmesan cheese is simply heavenly! They were served at one of my favorite brewpubs and I knew I had to recreate...
If you're having trouble trying to find something to do with the acorn squash in your refrigerator, this sweet side is perfect for kids and for adults...