Low-calorie main dish with no added salt. Serve with crackers or whole grain French bread...great for outdoor summer meals. Can also be used as a side...
This California original of seafood atop fresh greens is defined, in part, by its creamy Thousand Island dressing. If you wish, you can use either all...
Refreshing take on a traditional caprese salad. If you don't have a ring mold cut into squares or triangles instead. The key is flat watermelon pieces...
This is a favorite recipe handed down from my Oma, who used to make this for the deli. She used elbow macaroni. I have altered her methods to decrease...
My mom threw this together for a family gathering one year at the last minute, and it is now the single most requested dish at every gathering...family...
The best of summer's veggies blended with savory tiny shrimp and turmeric. Simple and satisfying. Great for dinner parties, potlucks, and shindigs. Serve...
This is a very simple recipe and will create enough shrimp ceviche for 2 or as an appetizer for 4. The recipe is conservative on salt, you can add more...
This is a refreshing, light dish that can be used as a main protein for a summer meal or as an appetizer for a dinner with guests. If you have trouble...
This is my combination of 'Thai Yam Som-O' and a marinated-shrimp and coconut salad I had at Bellagio's. If pomelo is available in your area, use it in...
This California original of seafood atop fresh greens is defined, in part, by its creamy Thousand Island dressing. If you wish, you can use either all...
This is one of my favorites. I picked up the recipe when I worked at an IGA supermarket where it was the best seller at the salad bar. It's sure to be...
This is my combination of 'Thai Yam Som-O' and a marinated-shrimp and coconut salad I had at Bellagio's. If pomelo is available in your area, use it in...
This is a dish that goes together quickly, can be doubled easily, and looks beautiful! Orzo , shrimp and fresh asparagus tossed with a light olive oil,...
Wonderful salad for an afternoon luncheon. Great if made the night before. I serve croissants with the salad. I have had many requests by guests for the...
Wonderful salad for an afternoon luncheon. Great if made the night before. I serve croissants with the salad. I have had many requests by guests for the...
I took a spin on one of the tuna salad recipes and came up with this. Great for a sandwich or serve on crackers as an hors d'oeuvre. I recommend using...
This is my combination of 'Thai Yam Som-O' and a marinated-shrimp and coconut salad I had at Bellagio's. If pomelo is available in your area, use it in...
This is my combination of 'Thai Yam Som-O' and a marinated-shrimp and coconut salad I had at Bellagio's. If pomelo is available in your area, use it in...
This is my combination of 'Thai Yam Som-O' and a marinated-shrimp and coconut salad I had at Bellagio's. If pomelo is available in your area, use it in...
Shrimp salad, refreshing and light, served in a hollowed-out summer tomato. Served as an appetizer, salad, or a light brunch. This was one of our favorite...
Refreshing take on a traditional caprese salad. If you don't have a ring mold cut into squares or triangles instead. The key is flat watermelon pieces...
This is a dish that goes together quickly, can be doubled easily, and looks beautiful! Orzo , shrimp and fresh asparagus tossed with a light olive oil,...
The beautiful, sunny French island of St. Barth is known the world over as the gastronomic capital of the Caribbean. Here is my version of one of the tastiest...
Shrimp salad, refreshing and light, served in a hollowed-out summer tomato. Served as an appetizer, salad, or a light brunch. This was one of our favorite...
Shrimp salad, refreshing and light, served in a hollowed-out summer tomato. Served as an appetizer, salad, or a light brunch. This was one of our favorite...
Summer is here, the pool is open, and tourists are swarming the beach on Topsail Island. It's long past time to tell myself I need to look good in a swimsuit...
This salad is so light and refreshing. Perfect for a warm summer's day, and hearty enough for a dinner meal as well. You will feel yourself transported...
My daughter's birthday is near Halloween, which made planning her party easy. I adapted this recipe from one my mother used to make to fit the occasion....
Grapefruit's piquant bitter juiciness balanced by French dressing's sweetness and creamy avocado, all adorning succulent shrimp atop a bed of greens...truly,...