This light and flavorful shrimp dish from "Martha Stewart's Dinner at Home" anchors an easy-to-make spring meal of Asparagus-Parmesan Tart and Apricot-Almond...
In this crowd-pleasing dinner, grilled shrimp is served alongside potatoes and corn with melted butter flavored with Old Bay seasoning, crushed garlic,...
In this easy and nourishing recipe, nutty farro enriches a warm winter salad that features earthy beets, protein-packed shrimp, crisp winter greens, and...
Stash some shrimp in your freezer for nutritious last-minute meals. Here, frozen shrimp stars in this spaghetti recipe with cherry tomatoes and kale. Get...
This recipe for boiled shrimp is courtesy of Emeril Lagasse and should be used in his Shrimp and Avocado Salad with New Orleans-Style Remoulade Sauce and...
Recipe courtesy Emeril Lagasse, adapted from Essential Emeril: Favorite Recipes and Hard-Won Wisdom From My Life in the Kitchen, Oxmoor House, 2015, courtesy...
This is my take on a popular dish from a restaurant chain. My version is made in an air fryer instead of being deep-fried. The end result was perfectly...
Each ingredient gets its turn in the wok in this easy shrimp stir-fry one-pan meal: shiitake mushrooms, shrimp, snap peas, eggs, and glass noodles (which...
Cuttlefish ink gives these handmade bow-ties a dramatic look and a rich, briny flavor that won't overwhelm the shrimp. Invest your time in making and shaping...
Even more impressive than the presentation is how these grilled jumbo shrimp pack a punch. They're marinated with Asian-inspired ingredients such as sesame...
The distinctive flavor of this Brazilian seafood stew comes from coconut milk, dende oil, and malagueta peppers. It's traditionally served with a salty...
In this dish, the garlic mayonnaise is served alongside instead of being drizzled on top beforehand; you can spoon some over the top of your salad or use...
In this salad, the hot pasta will wilt the spinach and soften the squash. Firm tofu, cut into cubes and cooked in a nonstick pan, can be used in place...
Sweet shrimp and fish groundtogether form a rich, juicyburger. This recipeblends the perfect amount ofscallion, parsley, and lemonjuice to hone and polish...
Toss peeled and deveined shrimp with a simple, spicy marinade then grill until charred and cook through. Top this dinner entree with orange sauce-splashed...
Iron is one of the more reactive metals, which is why traditional wisdom is not to cook tomatoes and other acidic foods in cast iron, since they can pick...
Nam prik is a universal sauce in Thailand, where it is made fresh daily. To mix the ingredients, use a mortar and pestle or sharp knife; you will not get...
Looking for a crowd-pleasing recipe? Welcome family and friends to the dinner table with bowls of cheesy grits topped with grilled shrimp and chorizo....
No beef or pork here! Just succulent shrimp amped up with panko, Pecorino Romano, fresh basil, and scallions and formed into balls. They're paired with...
In this quick five-ingredient dish, Dijonnaise (a flavorful mixture of mustard and mayo) binds panko crumbs to the shrimp and also adds creaminess to the...
"This is the first recipe I developed after moving to New Orleans," Dakari Akorede says. "In my first few weeks, I tried many variations of shrimp and...