This seafood stew, an impressive crowd-pleaser, can be prepared ahead of time and finished just 15 minutes before you serve it. If you leave out the crab...
Indulge in a plate full of linguine and prawns bathed in garlicky Parmesan cream sauce for dinner tonight. Sprinkle with extra cheese and lemon zest to...
This is a quick and flavorful one-pan dish blending shrimp, parsley, lemon juice, and tomatoes. Red pepper flakes give this family-friendly weeknight dinner...
This mac and cheese is a fantastic one-dish meal -- it's so rich and creamy and cheesy, all you'll need is a simple green salad to serve alongside, and...
Shellfish is the star in the traditional Italian pasta dish linguine ai frutti di mare. Our recipe calls for five varieties: clams, mussels, scallops,...
This 20-minute shrimp pasta recipe is sure to become a favorite. All you need for the sauce is a flavorful and fragrant combination of butter, garlic,...
Chili sauce and honey are all you need to build major flavor in this shrimp recipe. The glaze caramelizes on the grill for even more complexity. Feel free...
Turn fresh shrimp into burger-worthy patties after giving them a spin in a food processor and binding them together with breadcrumbs and mayonnaise. Serve...
This tasty marinade-hot but not punishing-is so easy and so flavorful that it will quickly make its way into your regular rotation. Shrimp is marinated...
This quick-cooking New Orleans classic is spicy and hearty-and turns any meal into a festive occasion. It's chockful of green bell peppers, whole plum...
This shrimp recipe from Emeril Legasse is super simple and comes together easily-the lemon juice and herbs really put it over the top. Serve with corn...
Sweet, butterflied shrimp in a garlicky cream sauce with a smoky paprika flavor are served over thick slices of buttery, pan-toasted French bread in this...
Celebrate the end of summer with a New Orleans-style shrimp boil. In this traditional one-pot dish, the shrimp, corn, and potatoes are cooked together...
This dish, inspired by paella, is simple enough for a family-night dinner but makes a pretty presentation for company, too. Cooking the ingredients in...
To make it vegetarian, swap vegetable broth for the chicken broth and stir in some roasted vegetables, such as mushrooms or cherry tomatoes, in place of...
In a departure from the standard pizza toppings, grilled dough is spread with basil pesto and scattered with shrimp, sliced tomatoes, and shaved Parmesan....
Traditional sesame shrimp are usually deep-fried; these are broiled with vegetables and tossed with pasta. Put the water on to boil before you prepare...
Bring the beach to your home with this simple one-pot, stove-top take on the traditional clambake. Clams, shrimp, corn, and baby red potatoes make for...
Using egg whites instead of whole eggs (or yolks) in the batter creates a crispier coating; cooking the shrimp in batches (so as not to crowd the pan)...
This fresh-tasting shrimp pasta dish can also be chilled and served for lunch. The recipe can be made with many different pastas, including penne or shells....
The style of the dish is Vietnamese, but the shrimp is pure Louisiana. Just grill until pink, and toss with a peanut-and-lime sauce, and you're ready for...
Easy and elegant, this dish is a real catch. The use of the word "scampi" to mean a garlicky, buttery preparation for shrimp is more Italian-American than...
One pot, family-friendly, and under one hour? Sign us up for this flavorful recipe inspired by the Indian-American classic. This recipe can also be made...
Louisiana "barbecued" shrimp never touch an actual barbecue. Created at Pascal's Manale restaurant in New Orleans in 1954, the recipe has become a southern...
Oyster sauce, garlic, and ginger deliver big flavor to succulent sautéed shrimp in this speedy takeout-inspired supper. Roasted cashews and sliced celery...
Mango multitasks in this quick weeknight meal. Cool slices contrast with just-seared shrimp, and the remaining fruit that clings to the pit makes a sweet-tart...