Use plátanos manzanos-a short, fat, and incredibly sweet plantain variety-if you can find them. When pan-fried, the outside caramelizes and forms a hard...
A plate of fresh herbs is served at most Persian meals, often taking the place of a salad. Serve this dish as an appetizer, or do as the Persians do and...
Keep a jar of this seedy sprinkle on your counter to top bowls of yogurt, soup, salad, or anything you want to add a bit of crunch (and healthy fiber and...
A classic Mayan dish from Yucatán made with the minimum of ingredients. Warmed corn tortillas are dipped into a pumpkin seed sauce and filled with chopped...
These hearty monster cookies have it all for nursing mamas: lactogenic oats, ground flaxseed, and brewer's yeast powder; subtly crunchy, omega-rich chia...
This is a breakfast that hits the mark for protein and taste, and it also happens to come with its own aromatherapy treatment. Mint calms and refreshes,...
This apple, pear, and plum breakfast cobbler is a great way to use pressure cooking in a less obvious way, and it brings a delicious variation to your...
These vegan and gluten-free cupcakes remind me of that old song lyric, "Make new friends, but keep the old." I've got my old friend cake and my new pal...
Philosophical question: Is it still a wedge if it isn't smothered in blue cheese and bacon? It's debatable, but we do know that this is a healthyish wedge...
Earthy and sweet with molasses, rich with cream, and bittersweet with dark chocolate, this sophisticated pie-with an easy press-in crumb crust-is a breeze...
To mimic a traditional risotto, this grain-free version first simmers sunflower seeds to soften them to a rice-like texture, then purées a portion of...