Two of the most crucial ingredients used in New Orleans cooking are Cajun spice and local seafood! Crab has always been my favorite type of shellfish,...
A simple and yummy recipe to use up the canned tuna you have in your pantry along with other simple ingredients. Serve with Sriracha-mayo, and freshly...
This soup is for Asian-food lovers. If you have all the ingredients on hand it's easy to put together and makes the perfect comfort food. If not, it only...
Cajun catfish served up with just the right touch of spices and flavor. This entree is perfect for a quick, excellent way to taste the unique flavor of...
Shrimp marinated in lemon, garlic, and parsley for 30 minutes, then grilled. Can be used as an appetizer or main dish. This recipe also works well with...
A recipe this simple has many advantages. It's fast, easy, and doesn't require a ton of prep, but the downside is, there's nowhere to hide subpar ingredients....
Campechana is the perfect marriage of shrimp cocktail and salsa, with extra layers of flavor thanks to sweet lump crabmeat, smoky New Mexican chiles, briny...
When buying tuna you should look for meat that is evenly coloured, dark red and has a fine, tight grain free of large sinews. Generally you get better...
Fresh grouper is my absolute favorite. It is a mild fish and this recipe may entice even those who don't like fish to make it a favorite. The recipe is...
This is just an old-fashioned tuna egg sandwich that is simple and quick to make! My grandparents make these and tell me that this is the 'correct' way...
Seafood sausage is a great, underrated way to take less than thrilling seafood, like some sleepy sole, and previously frozen salmon, and make something...
I was probably in my early twenties when this sauce first appeared on my culinary radar as 'vitello tonnato.' At the time, a plate of cold, thinly-sliced...
You can't have a Danish holiday meal without endless platters of dilled shrimp. Served on a red serving platter, it makes the perfect Christmas dish that...
Keep canned salmon on hand and you'll have everything you need to make these crispy, flavorful salmon burgers in your pantry. An easy roasted red pepper...
You'll notice a glaring lack of ingredients in this recipe. Thanks to the intensely flavored cured lemons, the aioli sauce needs little more than some...
Inspired by a shrimp po'boy with crab mayo seen on 'Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives,' I decided to do an extra spicy version and give it a 4th of July-friendly...
Butterflied shrimp are stuffed with jalapeno and wrapped in bacon, and it just gets better from there. There are never any leftovers when I make this recipe...
Editor's note: This recipe is reprinted from Jo Ann Bass and Richard Sax's book Eat at Joe's: The Joe's Stone Crab Restaurant Cookbook. At Joe's, the stone...
Ask for "dry" scallops at your fish market; they are free of preservatives and release very little liquid while cooking, which is key to getting a good...
This lemon pasta is a wonderful family recipe and a great way to use up leftover salmon. Simple and delicious. Serve with a green salad and fresh Italian...
Easy pan-fried tilapia, lightly breaded and quickly fried in an equal amount of butter and olive oil. Then topped with a wine sauce and garnished with...
New England baked haddock recipe is one of the most delicious fish dishes you will ever have, yet it is so simple! With only three ingredients and 5 minutes...
Nothing beats fresh fish, especially when it is filled with a fresh dill and lemon bread stuffing. The fresh flavors of this dish will leave your mouth...