Turn last night's salmon into today's lunch. Here, the fish is teamed with a creamy-crunchy mixture of cottage cheese, raisins, celery, walnuts, and quick-pickled...
Martha loves all kinds of seafood, and for good reason: It's healthy and delicious, and shines in the simplest of dishes. In this elegant dish featuring...
This traditional Thai soup is a favorite of Su-Mei Yu, chef and owner of Saffron restaurant in San Diego. Serve it with basmati or Thai jasmine rice. Serrano...
The fish and shitake mushrooms are steamed in the bottom basket, where the haet is stronger. Edamame (green soy beans), which just need to be heated through,...
Ginger gives a zing to roasted salmon's delicate flavor. Serve this dish with a wedge of orange for squeezing over the fish along with a fresh green, such...
Chef Eric Ripert, of Le Bernardin in New York City, enjoys exploring foods from many parts of the world. Sauteed grouper prepared with baby bok choy, ginger,...
A variety of fresh, nutritious peas comprise this inventive salad from chef Todd English of Ca Va.Also try:Seared Tuna with Blood Orange Vinaigrette, Silky...
Serve lobster precracked so that it is easy for guests to pick up and eat. The tails are sliced and rearranged into their shells for an attractive presentation,...
For an unforgettable meal, share this healthy, tangy tuna with someone you love. The recipe comes from Ca Va chef Todd English.Also try:Silky Miso Sweet...
Cooking a fish whole helps to retain moisture and flavor. This family-friendly trout dinner is an easy one-pot meal-first cook the potatoes and tomatoes...
Steaming fish "en papillote" is a French technique, but with cilantro, ginger, sesame oil, and rice vinegar, you can put a Southeast Asian-inspired twist...
Seared fresh scallops pair beautifully with garlicky pasta. If you like, you can substitute 12 ounces of egg fettuccine for the pappardelle. Slicing the...
You can cook a whole fish in a flash if you use a wok. In this riff on the classic Chinese-restaurant dish, red snapper and scallions are braised in a...
Chopped up in a salad, avocado adds a creamy texture without the saturated fat of cheese or dairy-based dressings. It is delicious here with shrimp, apple,...
Stir-frying is a smart shortcut to a healthy dinner in 20 minutes or less. This light and flavorful version amps up shrimp with garlic, red pepper flakes,...
Little Neck Clams made with a wine and garlic broth are literally SO easy to make. It only takes 10 minutes to cook and only 6 ingredients are needed for...
There's no cream in this take on alfredo, but the end result is just as rich and silky as its heavier versions-and arguably makes a better final dish since...
Cutting plump ears of corn into "coins" and steaming them with clams and spicy green chile pepper yields a broth with a one-two punch of flavor. The liquid...
This main course stacks up nicely, with layered salmon (packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids), potato, shallot, spinach, and lemon. A crown of...
To temper the fish before cooking it simply means allowing it to come to room temperature. If the fish goes into the pan cold, it will steam, rather than...
For this pasta dish, broccoli rabe and orecchiette are cooked together in one pan. You could stop there and simply finish with a drizzle of extra-virgin...
Strips of sliced cabbage echo the shape of the noodles in our version of a familiar Chinese-American dish. Cooked briefly, the cabbage wilts slightly but...
Matsutake mushrooms, considered by the Japanese to be the finest of all mushroom varieties, add fresh flavor to this broiled bass recipe from Michael Cimarusti,...
From Rao's in NYC, thick sausage-and-tomato sauce accompanies pappardelle. Tossing the cooked pasta with sauce over medium-high heat enables the pasta...
Fennel, lemon, herbs, and white wine create a flavorful broth, often referred to as court-bouillon, for poaching halibut. To maintain a clear cooking liquid,...
Donald Barickman, who developed this crowd-pleasing recipe, cooks the salmon over a homemade barbecue pit, but you can use a large gas or charcoal grill....