These are deliciously tiny, somewhat time consuming to make (but totally worth it), eaten-by-the-handful Danish shortbread cookies. This recipe was given...
Delicate melt in your mouth almond coconut cookie. Baker's ammonia (ammonium bicarbonate) is also known as hartshorn. It is an old form of leaving that...
These savory pastries were my favorite thing to eat in Finland. Rice porridge surrounded by a rye flour crust, baked until slightly browned. In Finland,...
This is an easy and elegant dessert. I get besieged with requests for the recipe every time I make it. Substitute any of your favorite fresh fruits for...
There are as many meatball recipes as there are meatball lovers. This authentic Swedish recipe results in delicious, juicy meatballs with a good and creamy...
Yes, technically they're oatmeal cookies but not the kind you're used to. These light-as-air cookies will be one of your favorites. Whenever I bring them...
Crunchy, but not hard, spicy gingerbread cookies from Sweden. You can omit the egg to make it more cracker-like. If you prefer a little softer cookie,...
Glogg is warm served during the Christmas holidays in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries, as it is sweet, spicy, and warming. This is the adult version...
Salt cod is used in many cultures, including Portuguese, Spanish, Scandinavian, and native American Alaskan. It's actually quite easy to prepare, but its...
This is a delicious rice dessert known in our family as 'Rumagrit.' It came down through our family from Mary Beth B. She is the woman who deserves all...
This is a simplified version of a family holiday tradition. Never a holiday goes by without this delicious treat, and soooo much easier today. Serve warm...
I haven't made these yet but it looks so good. It's one of Emeril's many wonderful recipes. It's a bit involved, since it will take a couple of days, but...
This is light and airy fish pudding - A traditional dish of Norway. You serve this dish with Hollandaise or a mustard sauce. May be served as a first course...
A light almond cake with a rich custard topping. Not a pretty cake, but never met a person who didn't like it. However, be careful - not all the ingredients...
My family's favorite Finnish meal is these Lihapyorykoita (Finnish Meatballs) with Punajuuret (Beets), and Perunasose (Mashed Potatoes). Serve with cranberry...
This is a popular meat dish from Southern Norway. Lamb and cabbage are layered and stewed with peppercorns. Serve with boiled potatoes that have been sprinkled...
This is a Swedish (Scandinavian) dessert that is traditionally served during the holidays, specifically at Christmas. But you can eat it whenever if you...
This pie, with its sugar cookie-like crust, is simple to make and stores well in the fridge or on the counter during cool weather up to 2 days. It can...
I learnt how to make this recipe in Sweden. It tastes great even if it's totally high fat! I don't really know how many of these balls the recipe yields...
These Swedish desserts are traditionally served on Fat Tuesday, but nowadays they are happily eaten as often as they can be found. We love that these are...
For those who make their own preserves or jellies, this is a real opportunity to show them off. This recipe has been handed down four generations, and...
Sounds good and economical too! Be careful not to salt the soup too soon; because ham hocks are so salty, the soup may not need any added salt. And of...
I found this on the internet a long time ago - I don't remember where I got it. Sounds simple and good. Time does not include time to cook the pasta. Posted...
Traditional Norwegian Fish Cakes!! This recipe has been top secret for years, but it's time to share it! If made correctly, these are light and fluffy....
This is an extremely easy cream of salmon soup that can be made with half and half instead of heavy whipping cream (probably even whole milk although I...
This is a light and refreshing dish for Summer. Plan ahead, cook time does not include marinading time which is 2 hours to 24 hours. The salad can be made...
Being very into my Swedish heritage, I took it upon myself to learn how to cook the food, among other things. These are my famous Swedish Meatballs. I...
Also known as Scandinavian Christmas Spice Cookies. These little cookies are sure to be a big hit in your home or at a party. I had to snap a picture quickly...
I love salmon! I became involved in the Zaard World Tour 2005 and this recipe was found on a Scandinavian Cooking site. It is easy to prepare and makes...