This scallop and spaghetti dinner with a creamy sauce is fast and easy. I cook the scallops a bit longer than many chefs, but that's gives the dish more...
Scallops have a reputation for being hard to cook correctly, but this recipe is really fast, easy, and oh so tasty. The key is high heat for the sear,...
This is a very simple, easy to prepare meal that you will most likely be asked to prepare again. The taste, if carefully prepared and not overcooked, is...
I was out at a cabin when one of my guests brought in some scallops. Since I had some mushrooms, onions, and garlic, I combined the ingredients to create...
Large sea scallops are combined with garlic, shallots, butter, and bread crumbs then baked to perfection. Being from Maine, we love our seafood, and this...
A very simple recipe for how delicious it is! Just crush the garlic with the side of a chef's knife blade instead of chopping it, and using whole sprigs...
My late mother created this recipe over thirty years ago. My grandparents, my father, and myself have enjoyed these baked stuffed shrimp every other Friday...
This simple recipe uses minimal ingredients in order to highlight the delicious flavor of the sea scallop! Garnish with a drizzle of balsamic and chopped...
Pan-seared scallops may seem intimidating to some, but it's really a simple dish to prepare. Sea scallops are amazingly tender, succulent, and mildly flavored,...
I experimented with some ways to cook scallops one night with my family. This was everyone's favorite and it has become a regular dish at our family fry...
This recipe is a hot one, but delicious! If you are weak of tongue, then divide the amounts of peppers in half. Better to add more than spoil your creation!...
This dish is so easy to make, but tastes like you slaved away in the kitchen. When purchasing the scallops, be sure to look for a subtle pink or creme...
This recipe for seared scallops on fresh corn cream shows that you can take a few seasonal ingredients, put them together simply and quickly, and produce...
As far as I'm concerned, a simple gratin is the most delicious way to cook fresh scallops. The only real way to screw this recipe up would be to use the...
A potently spicy seafood dish that will meet the expectations of any spicy seafood lover. Warning! As written, this recipe is too pepper-hot for many....
I'm still on my healthy eating kick to get in shape for the summer, but refuse to resign myself to just baked chicken breasts and steamed broccoli. This...
Grilled shiitake mushrooms are crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and pair nicely with sea scallops. I like to serve them with roasted broccoli,...
I made this with my fiancee for a fancy New Year's Eve dinner. If you use sea scallops and not bay scallops, cut them into quarters before adding them...
Scallop Scampi is a healthy and delicious recipe with lots of taste. Serve with crusty bread and a green salad, if desired. If you like a thicker sauce,...
This is my favorite way to prepare scallops. They're so flavorful they don't really need much more than a little butter and lemon. I like to serve them...
Growing up in Florida, our family would take our boat out in Tampa Bay and gather scallops. When we returned home, my father would grill them with butter....
I've looked and looked for a recipe for scallops that was tasty yet elegant. I searched through 30 recipes and out of those I got ideas and came up with...